Welcome to Learning about Person-centred care in Higher Education | 12-13 December 2024 | Gothenburg, Sweden

Abstract submissions - extended deadline until 15 July!

At the LearnPCC conference the participants will have the opportunity for collaborative engagement, aimed at improving modern education for students across all healthcare professions.

The aim of the conference is to advance person-centred approaches in healthcare education. You can expect dissemination of research, exploration of pedagogical approaches and in-depth discussions. We champion best practises and highlight the vital roles of educational institutions in promoting health and well-being through students’ learning of person-centredness in higher education.

Three themes will form the basis of the conference:

  • Pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning of person-centredness in healthcare education
  • Creating compassionate learning environments for students in healthcare education
  • Translating the theory of person-centredness into practice: From university learning to clinical practice

Activities include oral presentations, posters, fishbowl discussions, keynote speakers and networking





 Contact information

  Information related to the scientific program:
Email: LearnPCC@gu.se

  Questions about application & abstract registration:
  Email: Conference Services, University of Gothenburg



  Important dates

  20 Feb | Registration open 
  01 Mar | Abstract submissions open

  15 Jul | Deadline abstract
  02 Aug | Abstract review finished
  15 Sep | Last day of early registration

  15 Oct | Last day of mid-on registration
  10 Nov | Last day of registration