GPCC is a national interdisciplinary research centre at Gothenburg University. It was established in 2010 with the support of the Swedish Government's strategic investment in research (SFO).

At GPCC over 200 national and international researchers, clinics and patients and relatives/carers collaborate in various research projects and groups. They investigate person-centred care, rehabilitation and care in various medical conditions, as well as the organisation of person-centred care and issues regarding implementation and education. We also have several advisors, including a Person Council for patients and relatives.

We have evaluated the effects of a person-centred approach in a number of studies in different types of health care. Our studies have shown cost savings and positive effects for patients and staff.

Our vision is sustainable health through sustainable care: To prevent and reduce suffering, and strengthen the efficiency of health care through person-centred care.

Read more about GPCC here





 Contact information

  Information related to the scientific program:

  Questions about application & abstract registration:
  Email: Conference Services, University of Gothenburg



  Important dates

  20 Feb | Registration open 
  01 Mar | Abstract submissions open

  15 Jul | Deadline abstract
  02 Aug | Abstract review finished
  15 Sep | Last day of early registration

  15 Oct | Last day of mid-on registration
  10 Nov | Last day of registration