General Chair

Catarina Wallengren
RN, RNT, PhD, associate professor

Institution of health care sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC), Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Catarina Wallengren is the research group leader for the complete academic environment “Health Care Pedagogics and Leadership”. She is the research group leader for the research group “GPCC-Edu. She is one of the coordinators for utilization and education of PCC at GPCC. Her research focused on exploring how implementation of PCC can take place and how to support, in the form of education and training, can be developed and applied within clinical practices, academic environments, and civil society.



Conference Secretary

Clare Killingback
PhD, Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy

Faculty of Health Sciences, and Fellow for Innovation in Learning and Teaching with the Teaching Excellence Academy, University of Hull, UK

Clare is the founder of the BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy programme at the University of Hull and led its successful launch in September 2020, culminating in the first graduates in 2023. Person-centred practice is one of the core values of the programme and as such is spiralled throughout the curriculum. In parallel, Clare's commitment to student wellbeing extends to her role at the Teaching Excellence Academy, where she explores innovative approaches to promoting compassionate learning and teaching environments.





Program/local chair

Daniela Deufert
Assoc.-Prof., Dr. phil., RN

Department of Nursing Science and Gerontology at UMIT TIROL - Private University for Health Sciences and Health Technology in Hall in Tyrol, Austria.

Division of Nursing and Health Education.

President of ENNA e. V. (European Network of Nursing Academies)

Daniela Deufert is an associate professor in nursing science. Her research focuses on problems that increasingly need to be solved in the context of current and future change processes in the qualification of nursing and healthcare professionals. The main areas of their work are qualification and further development of nursing and healthcare professions, Evaluation of nursing competence development and further development of "innovative teaching" combining theory, research, and practice.



Program/local chair

Sepideh Olausson
RN, CCRN, PhD, Asociate Professor

Institution of health care sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Sahlgrenska University Hospital, department of anesthesiology and intensive care.

Sepideh Olausson is Associate professor at the institute of health care sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy. Research leader at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Division for Intensive and Critical Care. Moreover, as Director of the department for long term and chronical illnesses, Olausson leads the team of teachers and researchers in this specific field. Olausson’s focus in her research has been on the meaning of space and place in forensic psychiatric hospitals, youth homes and Intensive Care Units. Her focus and expertise is on qualitative methods, not least using the visual method photovoice





Marketing chair

Amanda Duregård
M.A. in Journalism

Student in Nursing, Institute of health care science, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg university, Sweden.

Vice President of the Nursing Science Student Council (SUR), Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University, Sweden.

Student Assistant at The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC), Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Amanda Duregård is a nursing student and journalist. She represents the student union of Sahlgrenska Academy (SAKS). Main focus of her journalism career has been patient security in private practice counselling. 



Board member

Axel Wolf
RN, CNA, PhD, Professor

The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC), Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Institution of health care sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Axel Wolf serves as the director of the Gothenburg University Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC), a hub for interdisciplinary research with over 200 researchers worldwide. He also combines roles as a professor and senior consultant nurse anaesthetist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, and holds a professorship in anaesthesia nursing at OsloMet University, Norway.





 Contact information

  Information related to the scientific program:

  Questions about application & abstract registration:
  Email: Conference Services, University of Gothenburg



  Important dates

  20 Feb | Registration open 
  01 Mar  | Abstract submissions open

  15 Jul | Deadline abstract
  02 Aug | Abstract review finished
  15 Sep | Last day of early registration

  15 Oct | Last day of mid-on registration
  10 Nov | Last day of registration