Person-centred care

Person-centredness is an ethical standpoint that guides our practical actions as fellow human beings and professionals.
Person-centred care entails a partnership between patient, their relatives, and professionals, in health and elderly care and rehabilitation.
Based on carefully and perceptively listening to the narrative of the patient (often combined with the narratives of their relatives) and other examinations, a health plan is co-created, containing goals and strategies for implementation, along with short and long-term follow-up.

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 Contact information

  Information related to the scientific program:

  Questions about application & abstract registration:
  Email: Conference Services, University of Gothenburg



  Important dates

  20 Feb | Registration open 
  01 Mar | Abstract submissions open

  15 Jul | Deadline abstract
  02 Aug | Abstract review finished
  15 Sep | Last day of early registration

  15 Oct | Last day of mid-on registration
  10 Nov | Last day of registration