Dear all,

WELCOME to AI Education Kaleidoscope
at Umeå university, Medical Faculty 

Hosted by the AI-Council at the
Faculty of Medicine (MAI)



The AI Council at the Faculty of Medicine (MAI) will again host an AI-Education Pitch Event on April 19th in MIT C323 and 333 between 09:00 and 13:45. The aim of the AI Education Kaleidoscope is to stimulate the interactions and collaborations and network among teachers/researchers and students in education of AI in medical sciences. This is a half day event; the speakers will provide brief views about the current and future education/teaching AI in the areas of medicine and life sciences. We hope that newpedagogic ideas and collaborations will be the outcome of this event.

MAI invites ALL RESEARCHERS/TEACHERS and STUDENTS in different disciplinary areas, both life sciences, computer sciences and clinical scientists at all levels to attend. There are no requirements of previous AI knowledge. This is a great opportunity for teachers to exchange experiences in teaching AI in medicine. It is also an information event for students and researchers who are interested in AI in medicine and life science to learn information about the courses and education programs in AI that are available at Umeå University.

Register for the event by clicking here >>

Register no later than April 12 for participation on site, we will provide coffee/tea and a lighter lunch for those who are interested in that. 

Register no later than April 17 for those who want to participate on ZOOM, we will send a link to you after that date.