The 5th Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism
will be organized by the The Segerstedt institute at the University of Gothenburg on 19-21 September 2022.
Organizing partner: the Swedish center for preventing violent extremism (CVE)
The conference will consist of keynote speeches, roundtables and panels.
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Katheleen Blee
Questions and challenges in researching today’s right-wing extremism
Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer
When God stops fighting: How religious violence ends
Dr. Daniel Koheler
Psychological aid during exit processes.
Research, Practice and Politics
Educating for Democracy in the Nordic Countries
The conference invites individual paper and panel proposals that deal with such research on violent extremism and its prevention which
· is carried out by researchers based in the Nordic countries and/or
· addresses violent extremism in one or more Nordic country.
· otherwise relevant to the conference topic
The conference is multidisciplinary and accepts papers across a wide range of approaches and topics related to violent extremism. Papers can deal with both theory and practice and be problem-solving and/or critical in their orientation. Research-based paper proposals from policymakers and practitioners are also welcome. Posters on early PhD projects and work in progress are also requested.
Paper and poster proposals should include a 400-word abstract. The program committee will select papers for presentation and form thematic panels. Panel proposals should consist of 3-4 papers and a chair. The proposals should include a 400-word abstract of each paper. Papers that are part of a panel proposal do not have to be submitted individually.
The deadline for proposals is 16 May 2022. Information on the acceptance of papers, panels and posters will be released by 20 June 2022.
Click here to submit a proposal.
Policymakers, practitioners and researchers can also attend the conference without a paper presentation. This form of participation is intended for policymakers and practitioners in particular. Registration for the conference will open 14 January 2022. Click here to register.
Participation is free of charge.
For more on the conference, contact the organizers at
For questions regarding your registration, please contact Mötesservice.