Alliances and Commonalities 2024, 17–19 October

Welcome to the fourth iteration of Alliances and Commonalities, Stockholm University of the Arts’ biannual international artistic research conference.

Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) provides art education and conducts artistic research emerging from a range of disciplines including dance, circus, opera, theatre, film making and media-based practices. Through our unique combination of education and artistic research, we aim to create an inclusive and experimental artistic environment, generating new knowledge for the future, in relation to the arts specifically and to society more broadly.

Artistic research undertaken via artistic practice, is central to SKH’s mission, and is introduced at Bachelor level, explored on Master level and anchors our Doctoral Program. PhDs and Professors from every SKH department engage with developing, producing, and disseminating artistic research, and there are a range of intra, inter and transdisciplinary projects underway creating a dynamic and diverse research environment.

The 2024 iteration of Alliances and Commonalities will be live at SKH’s premises from 17–19 October (registration and mingle 16 October), bringing together individuals and groups who are interested in linking with a growing international community of affiliated and independent artistic researchers.

We warmly invite you to join us in exploring the artistic research projects we’ve assembled for Alliances & Commonalities 2024 and very much look forward to meeting you somewhere within our exciting program.

Ellen Røed, Vice-Chancellor
Paula Crabtree, Former Vice-Chancellor
Cecilia Roos, Professor of Artistic Practices


Curatorial Statement

Alliances and Commonalities 2024 invites artists and researchers to share embodied, sensorial, experiential, poetic and experimental ways in which friction and coexistence permeate their artistic practice and research. Friction is what allows us to live, dance, walk and act in a physical and material world. As bodies touch against each other they connect and interfere.

At a glance the 2024 conference will include explorations into frictional kinship, interspecies relations and more-than-human worldings, erotic assemblages, somatic practices and transcorporeal attunements, enhanced and augmented realities, dialogical thinking and walking as wayfinding, practices of resistance and refusal, conditions of transversality and mutability, acts of re-mapping and transferal and many other approaches to artistic research.

The presentations, performances, workshops, installations and walks will be gathered within SKH’s four discreet yet interconnected profile areas: Art, Technology, Materiality; Bodily and Vocal Practices; Concept and Composition; Site, Event, Encounter with the addition of a strand dedicated to walking practices. Read more about this under Conference strands.


Questions posed to conference presenters


Each presenter was asked to choose and answer one of the questions below.
You can read their answers on the link to their presentations.

  • How is friction and/or coexistence embodied, felt, sensed, performed, manifested, made knowable in your artistic practice and research?
  • What alliances does your research enable by attending to frictions, resistances, and tensions in the contemporary artistic, cultural and political landscape?
  • What in your research is most urgent to share right now?


We’re very much looking forward to experiencing Alliances and Commonalities 2024 with you.

A&C team

Conference Committee
Petra Bauer, Paula Crabtree, Sher Doruff, Rebecca Hilton, Hanna Husberg, Kent Olofsson, Cecilia Roos, Ellen Røed, John-Paul Zaccarini

AC2024 team
Sanna Hagström – Research Office
Trippus – Conference platform management
Carl Amnert – Technical Director
Helle Zimmerman – Communications