Welcome to the 16th biannual NACS conference
8-9 June 2023 in Gothenburg!

The theme for the 16th biannual NACS conference 8-9 June 2023 in Gothenburg is “Dreams and landscapes – Chinese complexities”. We are open for panels and individual papers in the following thematic areas. Accepted individual papers will be grouped with other papers on similar topics. We are also open for creative suggestions and crossovers in line with the conference theme!

– Philosophy and Religion

– Film/Media/Theatre/Art

– Archaeology and History

– Chinese linguistics and translation

– Chinese literature (classical and modern)

– Politics and Law

– Sociology and Anthropology

– International relations

– Gender studies

– Chinese language teaching

Please note – abstract submission deadline extended to 24 March.
For details on abstract submission, programme, keynote speakers, registration etc see the links at the top of the page.

In direct connection with the conference, we will arrange a one-day PhD student workshop in Gothenburg on 10 June!
The number of participants is limited to ten (10), so that those attending can get thorough feedback. We aim for a balanced mix of PhD students, with different topics and at different stages, and the selection will be done by the NACS board. Keynote speaker Loreta Poškaite will be attending the workshop, and all participants will get feedback also from other senior scholars. Submit your proposal through the ordinary abstract submission system but indicate clearly in the submitted document that you are a PhD student. Maximum length of PhD project submission is 800 words. Besides the project description please indicate your affiliation, your current supervisor and when you started your PhD project. Priority will be given to PhD students from the Nordic and Baltic countries. Please note that this only applies for submission to the PhD workshop! If you just wish to take part in the NACS conference, please submit an abstract according to the general submission principles.

Nordic Association for China Studies (NACS) was established in 1991. NACS is an academic network for Nordic scholars, teachers and students specialising in Chinese Studies with a focus on humanities and social sciences.





Last registration date:: 7 May 2023
Symposium date: 8-9 June 2023

Samtliga föreläsningar hålls på engelska


Contact us:
NACS Chairperson Fredrik Fällman at


We wish to thank the following sponsors for the support: