Welcome to an inspiring event with state-of-the-art presentations on lightweight technologies and innovation! LIGHTer's main mission is to create sustainable lightweight innovation through cooperation across industry and discipline borders. At LIGHTer International Conference, we invite speakers and participants from industry, academy, institutes and government agencies to network and exchange on sustainable lightweight solutions together. Join us!
Our session themes:
Fossil-Free Transportations |
Circular Lightweight |
Multifunctional Materials |
Infrastructure and Energy |
Picture from LIGHTer International Conference in Gothenburg, 2019
Environmental challenges and technological development make way for groundbreaking trends such as electrification, multifunctional materials and biobased materials - all essential to green lightweight innovations. At LIGHTer International Conference 2022, we offer a state-of-the-art of the current lightweight landscape, and sustainable lightweight innovations.
Chains of collaboration need to be strengthened at all levels – between industrial sectors, between OEMs and their suppliers, between institutes and universities, and between authorities and stakeholders within the field.