LEPH 2016 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Objectives of the LEPH Conference Series

Across the broadest range of public health issues, the Law Enforcement and Public Health Conferences held in 2012 and 2014 worked to:


Objectives for LEPH2016 Amsterdam

The LEPH2016 Convener and Partners believe that, in addressing complex health and security issues:

LEPH2016 moves the discussion from Description (LEPH2012) and Analysis (LEPH2014) to Action (LEPH2016). The Conference Program will be heavily weighted towards promoting collaborative action – in research, in policy development, in practice and in the integration of these three.


Major Conference Themes

LEPH2016 will present a multi-focused Conference Program that will address three main areas in generation of action:

A very diverse range of LEPH2016 Conference Topics – each with their own challenges – will comprise the program. They include: