A conference exploring the complex and diverse intersections of law enforcement and public health.
LEPH2018 moves the discussion from Description (LEPH2012), Analysis (LEPH2014) and Action (LEPH2016) to Leadership in Policy and Practice (LEPH2018). The Conference Program will be heavily weighted towards promoting collaborative action – in practice, research, policy development and in the integration of these three elements.
Disparities in Health and Criminal Justice
Substantive themes
Crises & Catastrophes
Mental health
‘Hidden in Plain Sight’
Indigenous communities
Infectious diseases
Vulnerable populations
Alcohol and other drugs
Wellness & resilience
Corrections – prisons as public health institutions
Emerging themes
Epidemiological Criminology (conceptual development & methodology)
Economics of Policing (empirical research as related to policy making LEPH)
Policing and Public Health education and training agenda
Policing and Public Health technologies