The 5th International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH2019) will present a multi-focused Conference Program that will address three main areas:
Substantive issues – all the particular issues in which the police-public health partnership is important
Organisational issues – how to best achieve optimal and sustainable partnerships
Reflection and methodological issues – creating a science of the public health and law enforcement intersection
Major themes:
Trauma-informed approaches to policing, childhood adversity and early intervention:
What does trauma-informed awareness mean for practice?
Public Prosecutors and District Attorneys – their role in public health.Public Law Enforcement and Mental Health
LE, drugs (incl alcohol) and harm reduction:People who use drugs, policing & legal frameworks, drug related deaths and harm reduction
Police and other First Responder mental health and wellbeing
Emergency Preparedness – crises and catastrophes
Neurocognitive disorders – ‘Hidden in plain sight’ e.g. epilepsy, Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Acquired/Traumatic Brain Injury
Child protection and Sexual abuse, Exploitation
Violence –Gender-based violence, violence prevention, domestic violence
Racial/ethnic disparities in access to health and involvement with criminal justice
LEPH education, incl LEPH PhDs
LEPH in Low and Middle Income Countries
Examples of Other Topics within a particular theme (by no means exhaustive)
Infectious disease – epidemics
Defenders – the role of legal defenders in public health; holistic defence
LEPH and migration, Roma and travelers
Epidemiological criminology
Acid attacks
Human trafficking
Female genital mutilation
Incarceration – prisons as public health institutions
Road safety and trauma
Sentinel events analysis
Sex work
Suicide prevention
Hate crime and the new nationalism
Marginalisation as enemy of security and health: inclusive policing to overcome marginalisation
Information and data sharing
Tobacco control