
Posters will be on display during the entire conference in the Brashörnan foyer outside of Aula Nordica. Poster presenters will be stationed by their posters during the coffee breaks and look forward to speaking with participants about their posters during these times.


Response to Crowd Violence: Identifying Physiological and Psychological Traumas
Author: Glenn Gordon, Deputy United States Marshal, American Military University/United States Department of Justice

Using Ecological Momentary Assessment design to study the temporal dynamic relations between stress and decision-making performance in patrol police – A study protocol
Author: Brian McGuigan, PhD Student, Umeå University
Co-Authors: Stefan Holmström, Annika Johansson, Erik Lundkvist


The role of mentalization in secondary traumatic stress of child abuse investigators: adaptation and validation of a scale
Author: Audrey Potz, Doctoral Student, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Co-Authors: Julie Maheux, Annie Gendron


The presence of a dog restores cognitive performance in police officers with post-traumatic stress disorder
Author: Charlotte Roelofs, PhD Student, Radbound University
Co-Authors: Jongsma, M.L.A, Becker, E., Smit, A.S.


Mystery Shopping Method for Monitoring Underage Alcohol Sales
Author: Laura Mišcikiene, Junior Researcher, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Co-Authors: Mindaugas Štelemekas; Justina Vaitkeviciute


Public health safeguarding! A collaboration between law enforcement and health care professionals in high criminality areas in Sweden
Author: Stéphanie Paillard Borg, Senior Lecturer, The Swedish Red Cross University
Co-Author: Robert Ivic Morén


Police officers’ challenges to and resources for health and sustainability
Author: Elin Granholm Valmari, Phd student and University lecturer, Umeå University
Co-Authors: Ulla Nygren; Mehdi Ghazinour; Kajsa Gilenstam

Partnership between public health and the police – needed more than ever
Author: John Middelton, Professor
The Cranstoun Model, The Right Intervention at the Right Time
Author: Megan Jones, Director of New Business & Services Cranstoun