The Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment can cover travel expenses of conference participants that meet the requirements below.
To ensure wide participation at the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum 2022 from relevant actors in the REDD+ community in developing countries who would contribute to, and strongly benefit from, the conference.
The target group for the overall travel sponsorship to the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum is representatives from civil society, academia, private sector and government in developing countries with tropical forests, who would not have the possibility to attend the conference unless sponsorship is provided.
- The applicant is a representative from a highly relevant civil society organization, a research institution or private company in a country that is involved in REDD+.
- The quality of an application that describes the relevancy of the applicant’s professional qualifications and how the applicant can bring useful country-level hands-on experiences to the conference.
- A fair balance of representation based on gender, geography, grantees focus areas and type of organization
- The sponsorship will be subject to competition for all eligible participants. The award criteria are based on an assessment of the relevancy of the applicant and a balance of representation. The assessment will take into consideration the overall participation list for the conference when assessing balance.
- Applicants from organizations that have several registered participants will not be prioritized for sponsorship.
- Participants from organizations that are currently, or soon, to be granted funds from NICFI.
- Participants who are citizens of countries that are not on the OECD/DAC list of ODA countries.
- Participants who are working in countries that are not on the OECD/DAC list of ODA countries.
- Participants from multilateral organizations.
- Participants from international non-governmental organizations based in countries that are not on the OECD/DAC list of ODA countries.
- Participants from international investment banks.
- Students.
- Participants that can be granted travel support from other sources.
- A maximum of one page description of the applicants’ work experience related to REDD+, the work of the organization the applicant represents, and what the applicant can bring of relevant country-level experiences to the conference. Finally, add a short description of what part(s) of the programme that is relevant and possibly helpful in the future work on a personal and organizational level.
- A confirmation that the applicant will not be receiving funds from other sources.
- CV documenting relevant work experience.
- A letter from the manager of the organization recommending the applicant (see award criteria).
- Bank account details to which funds are to be reimbursed to. It must be issued by the bank and include the bank’s name and address, name of the bank account, bank account number and the IBAN and SWIFT numbers.
Applicants who do not fulfil the requirements will not be assessed for sponsorship.
Roundtrip lowest fare return economy class to Oslo, arriving on 20th or 21st of June and departing on 23rd or 24th of June, depending on flight availability. Amounts in excess of lowest fare economy class will not be reimbursed. Participants are responsible for making the necessary travel arrangements.
Travel costs incurred to and from the airport in the country of origin and in Norway will not be reimbursed.
Accommodation at Smart Hotel for three nights in standard room is covered and will be paid directly by the organizer. Any upgrade to suites must be covered by the participant. Personal expenses charged to the room, such as telephone, mini-bar, laundry etc. must be paid by the guest upon departure. Such expenses will not be reimbursed.
Breakfast is included in the room rate. Conference meals will be paid directly by the organizer. Three hotel meals at the cost of NOK 300,- per meal will be covered.
Per Diem will not be provided.
Reimbursement is conditional upon completion of an expense form to which original receipts must be attached. The expense form should be returned at the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum Helpdesk at the conference hotel prior to departure.
Deadline to apply for sponsorship is June 13, 2022.