Local Scientific Organization Committee


Professor Marina Ghersetti, University of Gothenburg (head of the Committee)

Professor Bengt Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Ph.D. Student, Sofia Johansson, University of Gothenburg
Associate Professor, Urban Nuldén, University of Gothenburg
Ph.D. Student, Pavel Rodin, University of Gothenburg
Ph.D. Gabriella Sandstig, University of Gothenburg
Professor Orla Vigsö, University of Gothenburg





Contact us:


Pre-conference organizers

Ph.D. Student, Sofia Johansson, University of Gothenburg

If you have any questions, surrounding the pre-conference, please contact: Heini Ruohonen, Heini.Ruohonen@abo.fi, or Sofia Johansson, sofia.johansson@jmg.gu.se.