Abstracts and panel proposals


Deadline for submitting abstracts or panel proposals is April 27. 

Please prepare your scientific abstract to be no more than 250 words (excluding list of references, graphs and tables). To facilitate double blinded review of abstract, do not add title, name, or affiliations of any authors and co-authors. 

A panel proposal consists of a group of researchers proposing a single theme to be addressed by multiple speakers. Panels usually involve 5 or 6 people, including a moderator, panel lists, and an optional discussant. 

Panel proposals should be submitted by the panel coordinator. A complete proposal includes: 

A panel description and framing text of no more than 500 words (excluding list of references, graphs and tables). Add panel title and titles of each presentation. Add on all the abstracts for each presentation. Do not add names of authors, nor details of the moderator, or optional discussant.

Top Applied paper:
The top applied paper, one that includes a focus on application to the practice, will be given expedited review for publication in the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. The expedited review will be a quick review by the editorial team at JCCM. 


Click here to upload abstract or panel proposal

You will be notified by email by the end of May if the abstract and/or panel is accepted for presentation.


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ECREA Crisis7 Local organisation