Study Tour Stockholm 2024 – IACC

The Swedish IACC Council is enthusiastic and proud to stage a study tour to Stockholm and the surrounding areas in March 2024. The tour is carefully designed to offer short memorable visits, exploring venues offering the best of the best in digital innovations, sustainability strategies, destination creation and more. The two days will offer a fascinating mix of unique experiences at some of the city's most prominent meeting venues.

During two intense half-days, with an overnight stay in the heart of Stockholm, we will explore both the city's vibrant centre and its surrounding gems.

The study trip is at cost price.


Sunday 10th of March

We start with a gathering at Stockholm City terminal at 11:50. We travel by bus to selected meeting points outside the city centre and will visit:

The evening ends with accommodation and dinner at Hotel Kung Carl.

Monday 11th of March

After breakfast and check-out (bags are left in the luggage room) we start the day's program at 08:30. On this day we explore Stockholm city on foot and visit:

The study tour will end at Sergel Hub at 15:00 and everyone is welcome to join the IACC Swedish Copper Skillet (it is optional and is outside the study tour). Please let us know when you register to the study tour if you will also like to join the Copper Skillet event and we will sent you more details.