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TUESDAY 8th October

08.00 - 08.40
Humanities Building
Registration with coffee
08.40 - 09.10
09.15 - 09.50
Steve Larkin

Co-creating a new university - a First Nations approach

This keynote address will be delivered in a digital format
Following the presentation Professors Steve Larkin and Melissa Nursey-Bray will connect for a Q&A with the audience. 

09.50 - 10.15 Break (fika)
  HUM.G217 HUM.G230 HUM.G233 HUM.D210
10.15 - 11.45  Session 1: Resource management and reindeer husbandry Session 2: Landskapet som arkiv till samernas historia Session 3: Sámi languages, education, and language policies Session 4: Perspectives on violence in Sápmi

1. Julia Carillo Ocampo
Following the wild arctic char: a tale of culinary heritage, nature and gastronomic craftmanship
2. Heidi Rautiainen
Effects of winter-feeding on reindeer’s future ability to utilize natural pastures
3. Camilla Risvoll, Majken Paulsen et al
Supplementary feeding of reindeer - the role of experience-based knowledge and knowledge exchange
4. Jing Helmersson 
Sámi tradition on uses of plants for healing/health and relationship with nature – an interview study in northern Sweden

CHAIR: Åsa Össbo
Researcher, Várdduo-Centre for Sámi Research

1. Gudrun Norstedt
Skogen som arkiv och skogen i arkiven
2. Philip Buckland
Fossil insects as a source of information on past landscapes and biodiversity
3. Ann-Charlotte Sjaggo
Ortnamnen som källa till samisk historia
4. Anna Rimpi
Vildrensjakt i Sápmi- Fångstgropar en del av samisk jakthistoria

CHAIR: Gudrun Norstedt/Phil Buckland
Forskare/Dr, Umeå universitet/Umeå University, Environmental Archaeology Lab

1. Hanna-Máret Outakoski & Eva Lindgren
What is gained, what is lost? Content analysis of multilingual Sámi language gatherings for mother tongue learners
2. Ekaterina Zmyvalova
Lived experiences of the right to Sámi language in school in Russia
3. Anna Terra Veloso Mendes
Language use and domains in the Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program for the Sami languages
4. Paulette Van Der Voet
Comparing curricula for Sami language education in Sweden and Norway

CHAIR: Hanna-Marét Outakoski
Docent, Umeå universitet

1. Kristina Sehlin MacNeil
Lateral Violence – A Consequence of Colonialism and Extractivism
2. Jennie Brandén
Violence against Sámi women in Sweden – Challenges, barriers, and limitations in the societal support
3. Ina Knobblock "A Rape of the Earth": Sámi Feminists against Mines
4. Monica Burman
Violence against Sámi women in Sweden – knowledge and support services from an international perspective

CHAIR: Jon Petter Stoor 
Postdoctoral fellow, Umeå University, Sweden & UiT, Norway


11.45 - 13-15 
Restaurant Lingon
  HUM.D220 HUM.F200 HUM.G233 HUM.D210
13.15 - 14.45 Session 5: Perspectives on Sustainability Session 6: Urfolksmetodologi och den västerländska kunskapstraditionen Session 7: Språkstärkande policy i skolan som inkludering och försoning? Session 8: Sámi health: Living conditions in the Swedish part of Sápmi

1. David Harnesk
Movement-relevant sustainability science: the extended case method and methodological pluralism
2. Anna-Maria Fjellström
Struggles about Time and Space in Energy Conflicts
3. Kajsa Kuoljok
Árbbediehto - traditional Sáme knowledge in land use consultations
4. Mari Viinikainen
MÁHTUT - Sámi knowledge and practices in the era of the green transition

CHAIR: Malin Brännström
Researcher, Silvermuseet/INSARC

1. Olav Kansgar Straum
Urfolksmetodologiens ontologiske og epitemologiske grunnlag
2. Jonny Hjelm
Vetenskaplig ideologiproduktion – en kritisk granskning av urfolkismen i svensk forskning
3. Ketil Zachariassen
Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjoner: Urfolk og nasjonale minoritetars rettar
4. Helge Christian Pedersen
Hybriditet og essensialisme. Urfolksmetodologi og forskning på samisk historie og kultur

CHAIR: Helge Chr. Pedersen
Assosiate professor, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

1. David Kroik & Andreas Nuottaniemi
Historisk och nutida kolonialitet i skolan: Om utraderandet av flerspråkigheten i Saepmie med fokus på norra Sverige
2. Hilde Sollid
”Det er kult å lære samisk”: Om investering og affekt i samisk språkutdanningspolitikk
3. Hege Elisabeth Dahl Edvardsen & Hilde Hermansen
Studenters utforsking, dialog og refleksjon i møte med verket Get OFF deFence

CHAIR: David Kroik 
Associate professor, Nord Universitet

1. Jon Petter Stoor
A population-based study on health and living conditions among Sámi in Sweden: the SámiHET study
2. Katarina Nägga
Genomförande av HALDI-studien – implementering, utmaningar och kompromisser
3. Lena Maria Nilsson & Ildikó Asztalos Morell
En aktionsbaserad modell för kulturanpassad mat till samer i äldreomsorgen
4. Karin Martinsson
Upplevelse av ensamhet associerat med ohälsa hos svenska och samiska äldre.

CHAIR: Christina Storm Mienna
Director and Associate professor, Umeå universitet/Várdduo-Centre for Sámi research

14.45 - 15.15 Break (fika)
  HUM.D220 HUM.F200 HUM.G233 HUM.D210
15.15 - 16.45 (Session 9, 10 & 12 will end 17.15) Session 9: Challenges and opportunities: Exploring ideas for socially just green transitions Session 10: Sámi Cultural Politics and Social Change Session 11: Utbildningshistorisk forskning på gång Session 12: Sámi health: COVID-19 and beyond

1. Kristina Sehlin MacNeil
Corporate Social Responsibility in the So-Called Green Transition
2. Åsa Össbo Re-industrialization and Green Sacrifice Zones in Sápmi
3. Jukka Nyysönen & Eli Skogerbø Green Growth and Sámi Stakeholders – Public debate on Green resource extraction in Sápmi. Presentation of the GREENGROWTH research project
4. Sigurd Saelthun
Meaningful or meaningless loss? The collective memory of the Alta controversy

CHAIR: Elsa Reimerson
Associate Professor, Dept. of Political Science, Umeå University

1. Trude Fonneland & Rossella Ragazzi
From Digijoik to Luohtevuorkká
2. Jérémie McGowan
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum: 20th-century Settler Institution in Sápmi?
3. Áile Aikio
Hardy Lumberjacks, Perky Outdoor Enthusiasts, and Noble Sámi Ancestors. Tracking down humans in the Nature Exhibitions of Northern Finland
4. Veli-Pekka Lehtola Stereotypes, appropriation, Indigenization: “Sámi expert’s” notes on the representing the Sámi
5. Laura Junka-Aikio
Cultural Appropriation, Cultural Appreciation and Identity Appropriation: Tracing settler colonial change and the Shifting Terrain of Sámi cultural politics

CHAIR: Laura Junka-Aikio
Professor, University of Lapland

1. Madelen Johansson
Israel Ruong som folkbildare
2. Helge Chr. Pedersen
En hybrid urfolkisering i et mangfoldig (skole)samfunn?
3. Lisbeth Bergum Johansson
Digitalt læreverk: Moderne innpakning – tradisjonelt innhold?
4. Johan Hansson
Slöjd på Samernas folkhögskola/utbildningscentrum

CHAIR: Madelen Johansson
Doctoral student, Umeå universitet

1. Miguel San Sebastián
Asthma among the Sámi in Sweden:  real increase or response bias?
2. Katarina Nägga
Factors associated with self-reported health among Sámi and Swedes in northern Sweden
3. Per Axelsson
The effect of Covid-19 on the population of Jokkmokk
4. Jon Petter Stoor
Sámi community perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods case study in Arctic Sweden
5. Anne Ouma
Sámi traditional medicine and complementary and alternative medicine – a descriptive study of use within the Sámi population of Sweden

CHAIR: Lena Maria Nilsson
PhD, Umeå universitet

18:30 Mingle dinner at Clarion Hotel Umeå





WEDNESDAY 9th October

08:30 - 09.15
Humanities Building
Registration with coffee
09.15 - 09.50
Rauna Kuokkanen
Sámi Research Ethics - Past, Present, Future
09.50 - 10.15 Break (fika)
  HUM.D220 HUM.F214 HUM.G217 HUM.G233
10.15 - 11.45  Session 13: Sámi land rights I Session 14: Perspectives on South Saami Memory Culture  Session 15: Å tenke med samiske begreper for å utvikle en mer bærekraftig og kultursensitiv didaktikk Session 16: Health, religion, spirituality and sacred places

1. Rasmus Klöcker Larsen
Evaluating the implementation of the Swedish consultation procedure: Has it contributed to Sámi influence?
2. Christina Allard
Effektiva konsultationer med samer i den gröna omställningens tid? – En kritisk rapport från Sverige
3. Katarina Inga
Sámi rights claims in the review of environmental licenses for hydropower
4. Ulrika Roos
New knowledge and support for improved consultation and participatory planning between reindeer husbandry and forestry 

CHAIR: Kristina Sehlin MacNeil
Deputy Director and Researcher, Várdduo - Centre for Sámi Research, Umeå universitet

1. Håkon Hermanstrand
The South Saami in memory culture
2. Asbjørn Kolberg
"News from the mountains" – The language issue in the South Saami newspaper Waren Sardne
3. Coppélie Cocq & David Kroik
A treasure or an exoticization?  Documentation of South Saami language and folklore in the 20th century
4. Angelika Sjöstedt
Countering settler self-indigenization

CHAIR: Coppélie Cocq
Professor, Humlab - Ubmejen Universitiähta

1. Carola Babette Kleemann
Personlige fortellinger i barnehagelærerutdanningen
2. Anne-Mette Bjøru
Samiske perspektiver på spesialpedagogikk
3. Silje Solheim Karlsen
Gulahallan og ságastallan som omdreiningspunkt for utforskning av litteraturdidaktiske praksiser

CHAIR: Silje Solheim Karlsen
Professor, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

1. Eleonora Alariesto
The Paradox of Clean and Contaminant: The Impurifying Effects of Wind Power in Sacred Sámi Cultural Environments
2. Jing Helmersson
Quantum Physics, Spirituality, and Sámi Traditional Healing  – an Interview Study
3. Peter Sköld
Sámi life biographies and demographic data from digitized sources

CHAIR: Lena Maria Nilsson
PhD, Umeå universitet



11.45 - 13-15 
Restaurant Lingon
  HUM.D220  HUM.F200 HUM.G217 HUM.D230
13.15 - 14.45 Session 17: Sámi land rights II Session 18: To create a home – Sámi living conditions after WWII Session 19: Education, language and pedagogy Session 20: Sámi health: Perspectives on suicide, trauma and wellbeing

1. Ragnhild Nilsson & Malin Brännström
Sámi Law, Territory and the Girjas Case in Sweden
2. Kaisa Raitio
A systemic approach to Swedish land use governance: cumulative impacts on reindeer herding and Sámi right to self-determination
3. Elsa Reimerson
Clearings, gates, and fences: Landscapes of collaboration for natural resource management in Sápmi
4. Peter Johansson
Challenges and Opportunities for Sami Legal Mobilization in Sweden

CHAIR: Johan Karlsson Schaffer
Professor, University of Gothenburg

1. Krister Stoor
We’ve left our tents for a better living. Changes in Sámi community during 1900s
2. Majken Paulsen
Making food and making home; the importance of freshwater fish, inland lakes and rivers in Sámi homemaking
3. Astri Dankertsen
In the wood forest. Making a fire as Sámi homemaking
4. Anne Schäfer
Sámi Resilience and Survivance in the Wake of the Modern Welfare State

CHAIR: Krister Stoor
Associate professor, Umeå universitet


1. Katarina Parfa Koskinen
Relating to ancestral heritage through online Sámi language education: insights from a doctoral project.
2. Michelle Francett-Hermes
Researching Sámi teacher education developments in Finland – ethical and methodological navigations
3. Carla Jonsson
Language Use and Literacies Among Sami Adolescents: A Translingual Perspective
4. Anna Leiler
The South Sámi Emotion Words and Cultural Idioms of Distress Database

CHAIR: Katarina Parfa Koskinen 
PhD Student, Umeå universitet

1. Jon Petter Stoor
Suicidal behaviour among Sámi in Sweden: the SámiHET study
2. Ulla Timlin, Arja Rautio & Aslak Paltto
Wellbeing of young Sami reindeer herders 

3Christina Storm Mienna
Violence against Sámi – effects of historical losses and discrimination
4. Jonny Hjelm
Samer, självmord och historiska trauman 

CHAIR: Katarina Nägga/Peter Sköld
Professor, Överläkare/Professor, Umeå universitet/Umeå universitet

14.45 - 15.15 Break (fika)
  HUM.G233 HUM.F200 HUM.D220 ROOM 4
15.15 - 16.45 
(Session 23 will end 17.15)
Session 21: Land, Racism and Discrimination: Fueling and fighting anti-Sámi racism in the Nordics Session 22: Konst och kultur/Culture and art Session 23: Sámi health: discrimination and violence  

1. Eva Maria Fjellheim
Land, Racism and Discrimination: Fueling and fighting anti-Sámi racism in the Nordics
2. Veli-Pekka Lehtola
Land, Racism and Discrimination: Fueling and fighting anti-Sámi racism in the Nordics

CHAIR: Annette Löf/Kaisa Raitio/Laura Junka-Aikio
Senior Research Fellow/Associate professor/Professor, 
Stockholm Environment Institute/Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet SLU/University of Lapland

1. Lisa Nyberg
Släktlandskapet – drawing a landscape of relations
2. Liuba Timonina
Friluftsliv as part of the Swedish settler colonial history? Hundred years of recreational infrastructuring in Sápmi revisited
3. Áile Aikio
More-than-human political realities and Sámi thought in the art of Marja Helander
4. Richard Ek
Dreaming Dangerously in Sápmi

CHAIR: Angelika Sjöstedt
Professor of Gender Studies, Gaskeuniversiteete/Mid Sweden University

1.Tobias Poggats & Per Axelsson
Racism or Ethnic Discrimination in Arctic Indigenous Studies: Approaches, Evidence, and Terminology
2. Miguel San Sebastián
Is Sámi-ness different from Same-ness? Some reflections on the health of the Sámi in Sweden
3. Tobias Poggats
Association between ethnic identity, discrimination and self-rated general-, mental-, and oral health
4. Jennie Bránden
Exposure to sexual violence among Sámi women in Sweden
5. Claudia Di Matteo
Social Work in Sweden and Sámi Community-based Participation to Contrast Gender-based Violence (GBV): a path to decolonization and reconciliation.

CHAIR: Jon Petter Stoor
Postdoctoral fellow, Umeå University, Sweden & UiT, Norway




18:30 Conference Dinner at Västra Paviljongen 




THURSDAY 10th October

08:00 - 08.30
Humanities Building
Registration with coffee
  HUM.G233 HUM.G230 HUM.D210 ROOM 4
08.30 - 10.00  Session 24: Rights and representation Session 25: Indigenous Labour History in the Far North Session 26: Kulturarv och forskning  

1. Anne-Maria Magga
How to study Sámi laws and legal principles related to reindeer herding? Applying Indigenous legal methodologies in Sámi context
2. Camille Parguel
Contrasting knowledge claims during land rights litigation in Sápmi
3. Luke Laframboise
Representing Sápmi: Analysing the Development of the Saami Council as an Indigenous Paradiplomatic Organisation
4. Berit Söderfalk
Markintrång - ersättningsfrågor för renskötseln

CHAIR: Astri Dankertsen
Professor, Nord University

1. Silke Neunsinger
Försörjningens förändringar i Norr - Urfolkens och arbetarrörelsens kamper för goda arbets- och livsvillkor under 1900-talet
2. Inger Jonsson
Försörjningens förändringar i Norr - Urfolkens och arbetarrörelsens kamper för goda arbets- och livsvillkor under 1900-talet
3. Britt-Inger Keisu
Working as a reindeer herder  - A study of gender, race and place within concession- and forest Sami reindeer husbandry in the northernmost of Sweden
4. Åsa Össbo
Transforming livelihoods in the Far North. Indigenous peoples' and labour movements' struggles for decent working and living conditions in Northern Sweden during the 20th century

CHAIR: Johanna Overud
Researcher/Lecturer, Umeå universitet

1. Kerstin Andersson
Var är sejtens hem?
2. Malin Brännström
Att tillgängliggöra museisamlingar för det samiska samhället genom digital teknik
3. Klara Björk
Minne - Land
4. Markus Fjellström
Archaeology as research and as a source for knowledge

CHAIR: Ragnhild Nilsson
Assistant Professor, Mid Sweden University




10.00 - 10.30 Break (fika)
  HUM.G233 HUM.D210 ROOM 3 ROOM 4
10.30-12.00 Session 27: Gender in Sápmi: Sámi Feminist Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing Session 28: Sámi histories across time and borders    

1. Torjer Olsen
Gender in Sápmi: Sámi Feminist Ways of Knowing, Being, and Doing
2. Ina Knobblock

Beyond Borders: A Conversation in Letters on Language, Belonging, and Decolonisation

CHAIR: Torjer Olsen
Professor in Indigenous studies, UiT/The Centre for Sámi Studies

1.Minerva Piha & Petro Pesonen
The words of iron - connection between Early Iron Age iron manufacture in the Eastern Finland and iron related vocabulary in Saami languages
2. Gwendolyn Knight
Indigenous Methodologies and Medieval Studies: Sápmi in the Middle Ages
3. Erika De Vivo
Documenting colonial encounters: on the photographs of Sami peoples taken by Mantegazza and Sommier in the late 19th century
4. Saara Alakorva
Entangled histories of the Sámi and the Nordic nations; Colonial legacies of the Sámi national representations

CHAIR: Peter Sköld
Professor, Umeå universitet



12.10 - 12.25
Closing remarks
Outside HUM.D210
Lunch to go