Registration & Pricing Information

The Hershey Conference is organized as an all-inclusive event June 11-14,2024.

The all-inclusive fee is 16 000 SEK (approximately 1540 USD) for regular participants and preliminarily 10 000 SEK (approximately 950 USD) for trainees (students + postdoctoral fellows). As the cost for trainees depends on the funding situation, selection process by the scientific committee and the number of participants registered as trainees we will inform about the final cost prior to April 1, 2024.

Register here

The 14th Hershey Conference on Developmental Brain Injury is now fully booked, and the registration has closed.

Please choose your correct category below, then click to access the registration form

Regular participant

Registration form


Invited speaker

Registration form

US trainee

I wish to register as a US trainee (students + postdoctoral fellows) and wish to apply for a grant which subsidize the all-inclusive fee by $600, (submit proof of status to e-mail:

Registration form


Non-US trainee

I wish to register as a Non-US trainee (students + postdoctoral fellows) and wish to apply for a grant which subsidize the all-inclusive fee by $600, (submit proof of status to e-mail:

Registration form