
For both students (Ph.D. and under-/graduate) and professionals, there are two payment options, depending upon membership of the Association for Tree-Ring Research

Early Career Scientists are particularly encouraged to participate. The Association for Tree-Ring Research is offering a limited number of travel grants ( to support participation in the meeting.


  ATR member non-ATR member
Students 1000 SEK + VAT 1600 SEK + VAT
 Professionals 2600 SEK + VAT 3300 SEK + VAT

Conference dinner can be added for an extra 350 SEK + VAT

Registration is done via this link

All registration fees include conference attendance, ice breaker, coffee breaks, lunch breaks and mid-conference excursions.

Last day to register is April 30th 2025.

Please note that all delegates are required to pay Swedish VAT on the registration fee (25%) and social events (25%). Swedish tax legislation requires delegates to pay their conference fee including Swedish VAT, which may be reimbursed according to specific regulations. If you are from a country in the EU area, please search for refund of VAT at your tax office, in your home country.

For questions regarding VAT refunds, please contact the Swedish tax office by e-mail: