Registration is free but mandatory to get access to the platform. Due to lots of interest, the registration deadline has been extended to October 14th.
The 4th Annual CryoNET Symposium will be fully accessible as an online meeting but we will provide viewing and presentation options in Umeå to the extent that the guidelines at the time allow (more info to follow). To take part in the conference digitally, Participants, Speakers, Moderators and Poster Presenters log into a digitally secure platform to be able to take part in lectures, interact and communicate with each other, and visit Posters during the meeting.
Prior to the meeting on Monday, October 18th participants will receive links and information on how to participate digitally. Participants create a login and profile before the meeting and have the option of adding a short professional description and picture. Login is unique to ensure that unauthorized people cannot gain access to the platform.
Once logged in, Participants will be able to take part in the live-streamed lectures and communicate and network with other Participants via chat and video chat as well as visit and interact with Poster Presenters.
Changes and questions
Feel free to contact Umeå Congress if you have any questions regarding registration.
All changes must be made by e-mail to