09.00 Registration and mingle
09.45 Welcome to Skövde! Josef Adolfsson, ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena & Welcome to the conference - Boel Wadman, RISE and Alf Andersson, Volvo Cars
09.55 Greetings from FFI Circularity Cecilia Warrol, Produktion 2030/FFI Circularity
10.00 Keynote "Manufacturing process challenges in the design of a battery plant", Robert Gorner, Volvo Group
10.30 Coffe break / moving to parallel sessions
11.00–12.30 Parallel sessions (see details below)
11.00–12.45 Study visit - Volvo Group machining site
12.30 Lunch
13.30–15.00 Parallel sessions (see details below)
13.15–15.00 Study visit - Aurobay
15.00 Coffee break / moving to plenary session
15.30 Keynote "How can AI help in human-robot collaboration?", Professor Lihui Wang, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
16.00 Panel discussion "How to reach net zero with support of digital technologies and create value with AI in operations" Fredrik Någård, Volvo Cars, Staffan Viden, Volvo Group, Anna Olshäll, Scania, Peter Bryntesson, FKG. Moderated by Jenny Bramell. Input from PhD students Emma Lindahl, KTH - circular transformation in production, Arpita Chari, Chalmers - resilience and sustainability in manufacturing systems.
17.00 Presentations: The Advanced Digitalisation Programme and the Impact Innovation programmes Metals and Minerals and Net Zero Industry Gert Nilson, Metals and Minerals, Mats Lundin, Net Zero Industry, and Nils Hertzberg, Advanced Digitalisation
17.15 Summary and closing of day 1
19.00: Social dinner
MAY 23
08.30 Registration and mingle
09.00 Welcome and introduction of the conference. Peter Bryntesson, FKG, Mahesh Gopalakrishnan, Scania.
09.05 Three Impact Innovation Programmes presentations: Mats Lundin, Net Zero Industry, Nils Hertzberg, Advanced Digitalisation, and Gert Nilson, Metals and Minerals
09.20 Keynote "Supporting Human-Centric Production – Simulation, Optimization and Digitalization", Dan Högberg, Högskolan i Skövde
09.50 Keynote ”Empowering sustainable industrial growth with fast robot programming solutions" , Rasa Pamedytyte, Nordbo Robotics
10.10 Coffe break / moving to parallel sessions
10.40–12.10 Parallel sessions (see details below)
10.15–12.10 Study visit - Aurobay
12.10 Lunch
13.10–14.40 Parallel sessions (see details below)
13.00–14.45 Study visit - Volvo Group
14.40 Coffe break / moving to plenary session
15.10 Keynote "Steel and Origami meets Sustainable Manufacturing", Jonas Nyvang, STILRIDE
15:25 Keynote "Customized quality inspection based on advanced image processing and AI", Henrik Arvsell, Gimic
15.40: Summary and closing
15.50: End of conference