Abstract submission

Delegates and PhD students are invited to contribute abstracts for poster presentations. All presentations must report the results of original research. Marketing presentations that promote commercial interests will not be accepted. Presenters are encouraged to report on recent work or work in progress.

Abstracts must be received at the latest by 11 March 2024. All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the abstract submission system. There will be an opportunity to state whether you would like to be considered for a poster or oral presentation when you submit the abstract.

All abstracts must be submitted electronically using the abstract submission system. There will be an opportunity to present work orally at the different conference sessions. If you would like to take this opportunity you should state this when you submit the abstract.

There is some extra questions in the abstract submission procedure for junior scientists wishing to submit their work to the preconference sessions and/or apply for a scholarship. If you wish your abstract to be considered both for the preconference sessions and for a poster presentation during the main conference, please tick the appropriate box during the abstract submission procedure.

Speech length must not exceed 20 minutes (15 + 5 for questions).

Abstract length must not exceed 350 words.

Poster format: Maximum size 70 x 100 cm (width x height).

Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be made no later than 18 March 2024.

We will provide a digital abstract book available here on the website (pdf).