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June 9
Registration (09.00-16.00).
Preconference (10.00-15.00).
Main conference start with introductory keynotes, Larry E. Humes and Stefanie E. Kuchinsky (16.00-17.30).
Welcome reception (17.30-) at Linköping Konsert & Kongress.

June 10
Conference (08:30-17:00) at Linköping Konsert & Kongress. Social activity (18.30-).
Theme 1: Hearing, cognition and wellbeing. Keynote: Antje Heinrich.
Theme 2: Communicative effort, fatigue, and ecological assessment. Keynote: Lauren Hadley. (Part 1)

June 11
Conference (08:30-17:00). Conference dinner (19:00-) at Linköping Konsert & Kongress.
Theme 2: Communicative effort, fatigue, and ecological assessment (Part 2)
Theme 3: Neural coding of auditory and multisensory signals. Keynote: Jonathan Peelle.

June 12
Conference (08:30-12:00). Lunch-to-go (12:00-13:00) at Linköping Konsert & Kongress.
Theme 4: Technologies in hearing science and translation. Keynote: Preben Kidmose.