Despite higher costs in general we are happy to be able to offer cheaper early bird tickets than 2022. 

Registration will open in January.


Currency SEK

Early-bird registration

until April 4

Late registration

from April 5-May 25


PhD Student

Prices: VAT excluded (VAT included)


The conference fee includes:
- Four days of attendance at all lectures incl preconference
- Digital version of the abstract book, published at our website
- Coffee breaks including refreshments
- Lunches
- Poster sessions including refreshments
- Opening reception including refreshments at Linköping Konsert & Kongress, June 9
- Social event including refreshments at Linköping Konsert & Kongress, June 10 
- Conference dinner at Linköping Konsert & Kongress, June 11
- Special rates on hotels within walking distance of the conference venue (accommodation cost is not included)

Payment options are credit card or invoice. We accept VISA and MASTERCARD.
Foreign participants who choose invoice payment will receive an invoice by email including information on banktransfers.

Registration cancellation fees (+ VAT): 
Until April 5, 2024: 500 SEK
Between April 6 and May 8, 2024: 1500 SEK
From May 9, 2024: No refund

The registration deadline is Wednesday, May 22nd.

If you are unable to attend you have 2 options: 1) Cancel, 2) Let a colleague attend in your place
For cancellation or change of  name for your registration, please contact

Accompanying person/s:
If you wish to bring your spouse/partner/family member, please contact