Please choose the appropriate category
Due to the rules of the Swedish Tax Agency, participants need to register in different categories depending on their affiliation.
Please chose the appropriate link below.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Governmental university/authority (applicants within Sweden only e.g.GU, Lund)): Register here
Non-Governmental university/authority (applicants within Sweden only e.g. VGR/Chalmers): Register here
Full-Time Student from outside Sweden): Register here
Governmental university/authority (applicants within Sweden only e.g.GU, Lund): Register here
Non-Governmental university/authority (applicants within Sweden only e.g. VGR/Chalmers): Register here
Delegate from outside Sweden: Register here
Contact information Information related to the scientific program: |
Important dates September| Registration is open |