Local Organizing Committee

Angelica Svalkvist, chair

Johanna Dalmo, co-chair

Åke Jägervall, co-chair

Magnus Båth

Dieudonne Daba

Andreas Engström

Rolf Heckemann

Maria Hultenmo

Maria Larsson

Maral Mirzai

Martina Winnerhed

Emma Wikberg



Scientific Committee

Magnus Båth, Gothenburg, chair

Peter Bernhardt, Gothenburg, co-chair

Angelica Svalkvist, Gothenburg, co-chair

Anja Almén, Lund

Magnus Dustler, Malmö

Rolf Heckemann, Gothenburg

Åse A Johnsson, Gothenburg

Mika Kortesniemi, Helsinki, FI

Sören Mattsson, Malmö

Michael Moores, Liverpool, GB

Anders Tingberg, Malmö


Others to be confirmed.










Contact information

Information related to the scientific program:
Email: oxmi2025@vgregion.se

Questions about application & abstract registration: Email: Conference Services, University of Gothenburg



Important dates

    September | Registration is open
01 September | Abstract submissions open
02 December  | Deadline abstract
31 January      | Abstract review finished
28 February    | Last day of registration