Conference Program

Wednesday June 11

18.00 - 20.00

Networking evening at the RecoLab

Thursday June 12

09.00 - 11.30

Study visit to RecoLab installation and Oceanhamnen

11.30 - 13.00

Registration and lunch

13.00 - 17.00

Conference program

13.00 - 14.30 Session 1 - Framework for source separated sanitation
  Welcome to Helsingborg, RecoLab and Östra Ramlösa - Anna Möller, Director of urban planning, municipality of Helsingborg
  Welcome to the conference - Thomas Rebermark, President IWA Sweden and Director Stockholm International Water Institute
  The European perspective on source separated sanitation - Pär Dalhielm, Director CEO Swedish Water and Wastewater Association
  What increases uptake of innovations in wastewater sector? Christian Binz (Research group leader Sustainable Transitions and Business Innovations (CIRUS) at the Department of Environmental Social Sciences, Eawag)  
  The development of source separation demonstration sites over time - Lucia Hernandez (Scientific project manager at Wetsus, Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology) 
14.30 - 15.30

Coffee and visit in exhibition

15.30 - 17.00 Session 2 - Technical functionality
  Useful lessons and improvements after early demo cases with source separation - Mats Johansson (Expert Water Framework Directive / Programme Manager Baltic Stewardship Initiative at World Wildlife Foundation Sweden, WWF Sweden) 
  Vacuum systems - what works now and what is left to solve? Paul Telkamp (Project manager technology and wastewater management, specialist New sanitation at TAUW) and Hamse Kjerstadius (Development engineer, NSVA)
  Quantity and Quality of recovered products - Sybrand Mets (Technical director, Desah)
  Urban greywater reuse in practice  
17.00 Summary and end of conference day 1

Conference dinner


Friday June 13


Registration opens

09.00 - 

Conference program

09.00 - 10.00 Session 3 - User perspectives & living labs
  What makes people accept source separation in their homes? Henk-Jan Van Alpen (Researcher at KWR Watercycle Research Institute) 
  What makes European utilities adapt source separation? Elisabeth Kvarnström (Senior consultant Ecoloop & adjunct professor Luleå University of Technology) 

5 x Living Labs in Europe:  
Jenfelder Au, Hamburg (DE). Wenke Schonfelder (Hamburg Wasser)
Schoonschip, Amsterdam (NL). Marcel Zandvoort (Waternet)  
Oceanhamnen, Helsingborg (SE). Amanda Haux (NSVA) 
Die Niuwe dokken, Ghent (BE). Dries Seuntjens (DuCoop) 
Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Paris (FR). Julie Ginesty (Paris & Metropole amenagement) 

10.00 - 10.45 Session 4 - University Number Crunching  
  What wastewater quality (and discharge limits) can we already achieve at European demo sites? 
  Where do we have an environmental gain with source separation? Perspectives from LCAs. Priscila Lima (Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)
10.45 - 11.30

Coffee and visit in exhibition

11.30 Session 5 - Panel debate - The next 10 years of source separation in Europe and beyond to 2050  
  Panel debate on the short and long term development of source separation wastewater systems in Europe. Where will these systems develop in the near future and what nieces can these systems fill in the wastewater treatment systems of the long term future?
  Participants in the panel debate
Lucia Hernandez (Scientific project manager at Wetsus, Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology)
Christian Binz (Research group leader Sustainable Transitions and Business Innovations (CIRUS) at the Department of Environmental Social Sciences, Eawag)
Arve Heistad (Professor NMBU Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
Klara Westling (Expert on wastewater and environmental issues at Swedish Water and Wastewater Association) 

11.50 - 12.00 Sunny takes on sanitation - conference perspectives from Cees Buisman (Member Executive Board Wetsus and Professor Wageningen University)
12.00 - 12.10 Summary and end of conference
12.10 - 13.30
