Call for abstracts

The deadline for submission of abstracts is Sunday 17 December 2023 and applicants will be notified of the acceptance of their abstracts at the latest by 31 December. All submissions must be in English.

To offer a taste of the great diversity within the UCMR research environment, upon evaluation of their abstracts by the organizing committee, all submitters will be given the opportunity to give a 2-minute elevator pitch. This year accepted submitters have the freedom to present their work as an elevator pitch (poster is mandatory) or a 10-minute talk (poster is not mandatory). Your abstract will be shaping the scientific talks of the conference!

Irrespective of your abstract being selected for a pitch or talk, you have the chance to present your poster in the poster session. The best talk and the best poster will be awarded UCMR Ambassador grants! More information will follow.

The posters will be exhibited on physical poster boards (A0; 90 cm x 120 cm portrait) outside Aula Nordica. They should be mounted between 8:20 and 8:50 and be accessible to the audience during the conference day.

The abstract submission have now closed and the opportunity to present it as a 10-minute talk has expired.
If you still are interested in submitting an abstract as an elevator pitch or a poster, please submit your abstract before Friday, 22 December, 17:00

Abstract submission link >>

If you have questions regarding the abstract submission, please contact erik@umea-congress.se

Deadline for submission: 17 December