
Important dates

- Deadline abstract submission – 15 June - Extended deadline until 15 August 

- Notification to accepted abstracts – 8 July - Extended until 26 August 

- Presenter registration deadline – 8 August - Extended until 30 August 

We allow submission of late-breaking abstracts if they are considered of high interest for the topics covered by the symposium (contact richard.rosenquist@ki.se for enquiries)

Instructions for poster presentation


The poster will be displayed in Aula Medica on the 3d floor. Your poster board will be marked with your abstract ID number ID.


Your poster will be displayed throughout the symposium. Poster sessions will be held on: 

Mounting and dismounting of posters

Make sure to remove all poster-mounting materials from the board. The meeting staff will remove posters not taken down on time and the meeting organisers cannot ensure any further responsibility for the material.

Poster Board and Material

Poster board size is 180 cm height and 80 cm width with portrait orientation and fabric surface.  Your poster number will be displayed with large printed figures in the upper left corner of the poster board. Your poster material should be attached on the surface by material (map pins) provided by the meeting staff.

Illustration layout

Drawings, diagrams and photos are extremely helpful and often necessary to display results and conclusions. Make sure that your illustrations are easy to understand; do not overload any chart or drawing with information.

Abstract instructions

TITLE: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.

AUTHORS : Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not include degrees or titles. Presenting authors’ name will be published in bold.

AFFILITATIONS : Each author should be listed by University/Hospital, Department and Country. Please make sure to include this complete information in the Affiliation text box.

TEXT: The abstract must be in English and should be a maximum of 300 words, excluding the title.

FIGURE/TABLE: You can submit ONE figure/table/image per abstract. If you have more than one figure/table please combine these into one image before uploading. Please use the separate field below the text to choose and upload the image. The image must be JPEG or PNG.

It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author, if accepted. Poor English may be a cause for rejection.

The Programme Committee will accept abstracts for the Scientific Programme (oral or poster presentation) on scientific merit.

Only Abstracts of registered participants will be printed. At least one of the authors must be registered for the Conference

Click here to submit you abstract