Verdefoajén: Multi-object tracking Spegelsalen: Graph and set-based methods Operan: Higher-level fusion Musikalen: Decision-making Operetten: Applications
Morning session Multitarget Tracking and Multisensor Information Fusion: Recently Developed Advanced Algorithms Graph based, Localization, tracking and mapping   Introduction to Sensor  Management Multi sensor and Data Fusion Approaches for Vehicular Automation Applications - Autonomous Driving: Concepts, Implements and Evaluation
Early afternoon session An Introduction to Track-to-Track Fusion and the Distributed Kalman Filter Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixtures for multiple target tracking Context-enhanced Information Fusion Decision Making Under Risk, Uncertainty, and Ignorance. Stone Soup: an open source tracking and state estimation framework; principles, use and applications (Part 1)
Late afternoon session Algorithms for Estimation of Noise Parameters in State Space Models Analytic Combinatorics for Multiple Object Tracking Subjective Logic and Bayesian Belief Reasoning Multisensor Data Fusion for Industry 4.0 Stone Soup: an open source tracking and state estimation framework; principles, use and applications (Part 2)