Mötesplats Biosfär is a meeting place for researchers, decision-makers, research funders and societal actors to jointly discover the possibility of biosphere reserves as arenas for research and innovation related to the global sustainability goals. The conference is also an opportunity to strengthen the biosphere reserves' knowledge of current research areas and interests linked to the 2030 Agenda.
Mötesplats Biosfär focuses on local and national conditions and also draws inspiration from other countries. The programme includes academic and traditional knowledge with contributions from research and community experiences, and creates ample opportunity for dialogue and discussions between participants.
The conference is made possible through funds from Region Skåne, Umeå Municipality, University, Faculty of Forest Sciences SLU, the thematic collaboration initiative LU Land at Lund University, Umeå University, the Swedish Man and Biosphere Programme and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Steering group:
Johanna MacTaggart (UNESCO’s MAB Programme, Sweden), Juliana Dänhardt (Lund University), Julian Olden (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Forest Sciences), and Lena Maria Nilsson (Arctic Centre at Umeå University).