Wednesday April 2, 9.00-12.00 - Teaching course
Johan Zelano and Francesco Brigo

Conference room: Europa, Wallenberg Center

09.00-09.15 Welcome
Francesco Brigo, Johan Zelano 

09.15-10.00 Diagnosing epilepsy in other brain diseases 
Johan Zelano

10.00-10.30 Coffee break 

10.30-11.15 Epilepsy in patients with dementia 
Francesco Brigo

11.15-12.00 Management of seizures at and after stroke
Francesco Brigo and Johan Zelano

12.00 Lunch
for delegates at the Teaching course

Wednesday April 2, 13.00-19.30 - STESS conference

Conference room: Wallenbergsalen

Session 1: Preclinical / epileptogenesis / disease modification

13.00-13.10 Opening remarks
Francesco Brigo and Johan Zelano

13.10-13.50  Preclinical multicenter-study of TBI in rodents: results and lessons learned from the EpiBioS4Rx
Asla Pitkanen, Finland

13.50-14.30 Interleukin-1 antagonism: an antiepileptogenic treatment?
Ronny Wickström, Sweden

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-15.40 Epilepsy in brain tumors: commonalities in tumorigenesis and epileptogenesis
Eleonora Aronica, the Netherlands

15.40-16.20  Antiepileptogenesis in first seizure-patients: too late or just right?
Tony Marson, UK

16.20-17.05 Platform session
3 x 15 min presentations

Novel serum biomarkers for the prediction of epilepsy after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage – An exploratory analysis
Daniel Campos
Early S100B Measures After Traumatic Brain Injury Provide a Biomarker for Epilepsy
Kacper Lolk
Post-traumatic epilepsy: Biomarkers, clinical and socioeconomic characteristics in a civilian population
Markus Karlander

17:15 The Importance of Diagnosing Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS): Why It Matters
Professor Ronny Wickström (Sweden), Professor Adam Strzelczyk (Germany) and Professor Jukka Peltola (Finland)

Welcome reception
You are invited to join the STESS 2025 Welcome Reception taking place in continuation of the symposium.

Sponsored by Jazz Pharmaceuticals

Thursday April 3 - STESS Conference

Session 2: Biomarkers

08.20-09.00 Acute symptomatic seizures and their relation to poststroke epilepsy
Marian Galovic, Switzerland

09.00-09.40 Immune responses after seizures
Christine Ekdal, Sweden

09.40-10.20 The role of EEG in acute and structural epilepsies
Sandor Benickzy, Denmark

10.20-10.50 Coffee break

10.50-11.30  Blood biomarkers in status epilepticus
Stefano Meletti, Italy

11.30-12.00 Blood biomarkers in chronic epilepsy
Johan Zelano, Sweden 

12.00-12.25  Lunch

12.25-13.25 Rare epilepsy: Transition of care from pediatric to adult in Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut Syndromes
Prof Alexandre Datta, MD
Prof Bernhard Steinhoff, MD, PhD
Lunch symposium sponsored by UCB

Session 3: Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis

13.25-14.05 Epilepsy in Alzheimer’s disease
Francesco Brigo, Italy

14.05-14.45 Status epilepticus of acute and remote symptomatic etiology
Eugen Trinka, Austria

14.45-15.15 Coffee break

15.15-15.55 Autoimmune seizures
Stephan Ruegg, Switzerland

15.55-16.35 Antiepileptic drug treatment  in patients with brain tumors
Simona Lattanzi, Italy

16.35-17.25 Platform session
3 x 15 min presentations 

Sustained myoclonus in patients with refractory cardiac arrest supported by extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) and associated factors
Laura Abraira
Working years lost in people with epilepsy according to underlying aetiology: a population-based cohort study of 5,4 million people of working age
Julie Drier
Revisiting Acute Symptomatic Seizures: Timing as a Key Predictor of Seizure Recurrence After Stroke
Michael Schubert

Friday April 4 - STESS Conference

Session 4: Prognosis continued, Hot topics 

08.20-09.00 SUDEP in structural epilepsies
Alberto Vogrig, Italy

09.00-09.40 Adverse cardiovascular events and ASM treatment
Josephine Mayer, UK

09.40-10.20 Polygenic risk of poststroke epilepsy
Nishant Mishra, US

10.20-10.50 Coffee break

10.50-11.30  Long-term prognosis of structural epilepsy from an epidemiological perspective
Jakob Christenssen

11.30-12.10 Eclampsia; acute and longterm effects on the maternal brain
Lina Bergman, Sweden

12.10  Lunch

Last update: March 25, 2025