Wednesday April 2, 9.00-12.00 - Teaching course
Johan Zelano and Francesco Brigo
Conference room: Europa, Wallenberg Center
09.00-09.15 Welcome
Francesco Brigo, Johan Zelano
09.15-10.00 Diagnosing epilepsy in other brain diseases
Johan Zelano
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-11.15 Epilepsy in patients with dementia
Francesco Brigo
11.15-12.00 Management of seizures at and after stroke
Francesco Brigo and Johan Zelano
12.00 Lunch
for delegates at the Teaching course
Wednesday April 2, 13.00-17.00 - STESS conference
Conference room: Wallenbergsalen
Session 1: Preclinical / epileptogenesis / disease modification
13.00-13.10 Opening remarks
Francesco Brigo and Johan Zelano
13.10-13.50 Preclinical multicenter-study of TBI in rodents: results and lessons learned from the EpiBioS4Rx
Asla Pitkanen, Finland
13.50-14.30 Interleukin-1 antagonism: an antiepileptogenic treatment?
Ronny Wickström, Sweden
14.30-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-15.40 Epilepsy in brain tumors: commonalities in tumorigenesis and epileptogenesis
Eleonora Aronica, the Netherlands
15.40-16.20 Antiepileptogenesis in first seizure-patients: too late or just right?
Tony Marson, UK
16.20-17.05 Platform session
3 x 15 min presentations
Welcome reception
Thursday April 3 - STESS Conference
Session 2: Biomarkers
08.20-09.00 Acute symptomatic seizures and their relation to poststroke epilepsy
Marian Galovic, Switzerland
09.00-09.40 Immune responses after seizures
Christine Ekdal, Sweden
09.40-10.20 The role of EEG in acute and structural epilepsies
Sandor Benickzy, Denmark
10.20-10.50 Coffee break
10.50-11.30 Blood biomarkers in status epilepticus
Stefano Meletti, Italy
11.30-12.00 Blood biomarkers in chronic epilepsy
Johan Zelano, Sweden
12.00-13.00 Lunch
Session 3: Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
13.00-13.40 Epilepsy in Alzheimer’s disease
Francesco Brigo, Italy
13.40-14.20 Status epilepticus of acute and remote symptomatic etiology
Eugen Trinka, Austria
14.20-14.50 Coffee break
14.50-15.30 Autoimmune seizures
Stephan Ruegg, Switzerland
15.30-16.10 Antiepileptic drug treatment in patients with brain tumors
Simona Lattanzi, Italy
16.10-17.00 Platform session
3 x 15 min presentations
Friday April 4 - STESS Conference
Session 4: Prognosis continued, Hot topics
08.20-09.00 Polygenic risk of poststroke epilepsy
Nishant Mishra, US
09.00-09.40 Adverse cardiovascular events and ASM treatment
Josephine Mayer, UK
09.40-10.20 SUDEP in structural epilepsies
Alberto Vogrig, Italy
10.20-10.50 Coffee break
10.50-11.30 Long-term prognosis of structural epilepsy from an epidemiological perspective
Jakob Christenssen
11.30-12.10 Detecting epilepsy after eclampsia
Lina Bergman, Sweden
12.10 Lunch
Last update: 2024-12-02