Abstract submissions
Extended deadline!
The deadline for submitting abstracts to ECIDD2025 has been extended.
The new deadline is January 3, 2025.
The ECIDD 2025 conference offers the opportunity to present results of empirical research on intellectual and developmental disabilities. The presentations should also relate to issues of psychological and/or educational application as well as the conference theme: "Assessment, intervention and accommodation for increased participation"
Important Dates
- October 21, 2024 - Call for abstracts and opening of abstract submission
December 15, 2024 - Deadline for abstract submission
- Extended deadline! January 3, 2025 – NEW DEADLINE for abstract submission
- Early February 2025 - Notification of acceptance
Presentation formats
- Oral presentation
- Poster
- Symposium
Instructions for oral and poster presentation
A proposal should include:
- Title of the contribution
- Full first name(s) and family name(s), address (institution, city, country), email addresses of contributors
- Preference for oral or poster presentation
- An abstract of maximum 250 words, describing the aims, method, findings of the study, and conclusions
- 3-5 keywords
All proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and may be selected for either oral or poster presentation.
Instructions for symposium
Researchers who work on a similar topic are invited to submit a proposal for a symposium. Each symposium consists three to four presentations. The symposium should follow the main scope of the conference.
When applying for a symposium, the following needs to be submitted:
- A general abstract (maximum 250 words) that describes the theme of the symposium and its relevance within the scope of the conference. Indicate which person will be the symposium convener, who will also be the corresponding author. (NB corresponding author should be the same as the person who writes the general abstract).
- An abstract (maximum 250 words) for each of the presentations included in the proposed symposium (please follow instructions for “oral and poster presentations”, see above)
- The symposium proposal is submitted by the corresponding author as a single entry, with the general abstract and individual presentation abstracts included together.
Click here to upload abstract
Contact: For technical support during abstract submission, please contact info@motesservice.gu.se