Session topics

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  Tuesday 30th of January 2024
08.30 Registration
08.50 Welcome
  09:00 - 10:30
Session I: Clinical metabolomics
Chair: Gerhard Gröbner
Keynote speaker 1
Guro Giskeødegård, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 
Decoding the metabolic trajectory of breast cancer: from risk assessment to treatment monitoring and follow-up
09.30 Katia Capuccini, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Direct on-swab metabolic profiling by DESI-MS for monitoring and stratification of live biotherapeutic intervention during pregnancy
09.45 Ida Erngren, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
Bile acid metabolism in multiple sclerosis is perturbed and gut microbiota co-metabolism is associated with risks for disease worsening
10.00 Sebastian Löding, Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden
Altered plasma metabolite levels can be detected years before a glioma diagnosis
10.15 Ali Moazzami, Department of Molecular Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,Sweden
Distinct human ß-cell line short-term fuel excess detoxification processes revealed by metabolomics and flux analysis
10.30 Break (fika)
  11:00 - 12:15
Session II: Plant metabolomics
Chair: Thomas Moritz
Keynote speaker 2
Young Hae Choi, Leiden University, Netherlands 
Exploring the Advantages and Challenges of NMR-Based Chemical Profiling in Medicinal Plant Metabolomics
11.30 Sara Westman, Umeå University, Sweden
Identification of candidate genes driving salicinoid diversity in Populus tremula chemotypes: Insight from metabolomic and transcriptomic profiling
11.45 Madhusree Mitra, UPSC Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Understanding the role of cell wall matrix polysaccharides in altering aspen cuticle chemistry by integrating mass spectrometry with multivariate tools
12.00 Jenna Lihavainen, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Sweden
Salicylic acid metabolism and signalling coordinate autumn senescence in aspen
12.15 Lunch
  13:30 - 15:45
Session III: Computational metabolomics/AI
Chair: Henrik Antti
Keynote speaker 3
Timothy Ebbels, 
Imperial College London, UK 
Pathway space transformation for metabolomics-focused integration of multi-omics data
14.00 Matthias Mattanovich, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Comparison of approaches to multi-omics data analysis for systems biology: lipolysis in brown adipocytes
14.15 Samuel Bertrand, Nantes Université, France
Natural product biosynthesis regulation in microorganisms – what can system biology tells us?
14.30 Break (fika)
15.00 Akshai Parakkal Sreenivasan, Uppsala University, Sweden
Forecasting disease transition in multiple sclerosis using conformal prediction
15.15 Edvin Forsgren, Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden
OPLS-HDA - a hierarchical approach for interpretable multiclass-classification
15.30 Raphael Kozlovsky, Lifespin GmbH
Enhancing Personal Health Monitoring — Navigating Opportunities and Challenges in NMRbased Metabolomics with Machine Learning
15.45 -
Poster Session
Fika will be served as well
18.30 Conference dinner with entertainment


  Wednesday 31th of January 2024
08.30-08.45 Metabolomics infrastructure in Umeå: SMC, SNC and CASP
  08:45 - 10:00
Session IV: NMR-based metabolomics
Chair: Corine Sandström
Keynote speaker 4
Marine Letertre
, University of Nantes, France 
Innovative NMR methods to overcome the current limitations of NMR Metabolomics
09.15 Elin Alexandersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Extended Automated Quantification Algorithm (AQuA) for targeted 1H NMR metabolomics of highly complex samples: Application to plant root exudates
09.30 Arianna Cirillo, University of Liege, Belgium
How can metabolomics help the follow-up management of kidney transplantation recipients? An untargeted based-metabolomics multiplatform study
09.45 Clare Cannet, Bruker
NMR-based Metabolomics: Challenges, implications and clinical research applications
10.00 Break (fika)
  10:30 - 12:00
Session V: Technical developments in MS-based metabolomics
Chair: Annika Johansson
Keynote speaker 5
Daniel Globisch
, Uppsala University, Sweden
Chemoselective Metabolomics - Unique Chemical Biology Tools to Explore Gut Microbiome Metabolism
11.00 Saira Hameed, The Rosalind Franklin Institute, Harwell, United Kingdom
Mass spectrometry imaging of single cells
11.15 Henrik Carlsson, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
Untargeted screening of environmental contaminants using LC-HRMS reveals previously unknown associations between PFAS exposure and the human plasma metabolome
11.30 Dan McGill, Rosalind Franklin Institute, Harwell, United Kingdom
Non-enzymatic digestion of condensed phase macromolecules using a cold argon plasma
11.45 Andreas Eriksson, Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden
Decoupling time dependence reveals metabolites tied to productivity and cell death in CHO antibody production
12.00 Lunch
  13:00 - 15.20
Session VI: Clinical metabolomics 2/Precision medicine
Chair: Elin Chorell

Keynote speaker 6
Helen Lindqvist
, University of Gothenburg
Metabolomics as a tool in nutrition research

13.30 Liam Ward, National Board of Forensic Medicine, Sweden
Metabolomics in death science: large-scale cause-of-death screening
13.45 Jenny Jakobsson, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
Fibromyalgia patients have altered lipid concentrations associated with disease symptom severity, anti-satellite glial cell IgG antibodies, and body mass index
14.00 Kim Kultima, Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
Serum levels of per- and polyfluorinated substances may alter the disease course in multiple sclerosis – a population-based cohort study
14.15 Break (fika)
14.35 Tova Eurén, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Sweden
Muscle fiber type-specific link between sphingolipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity
14.50 Olena Rzhepishevska, Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, Sweden
Biomarkers for transition of latent to active tuberculosis derived from a Swedish biobank cohort may support stratification of patients
15.05 Emilia Johansson, Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University, Sweden
Hedgehog gene regulation by dietary sugar and metabolic regulatory pathways
15.20-15.30 Ending with rewards