On the 29th of November, we will arrange two technical visits. The places are limited and it is first come, first served.
We will arrange transportation. Afterwards, the bus will make a stop at Arlanda Airport.
More information to come...
Preliminary program for 29th of November
Technical visit #1 (maximum 30 persons): E.ON Högbytorp and... [TBA]
Stockholm is soon expected to have over 2.5 million inhabitants. This rapid growth creates opportunities but also presents challenges: more people mean a higher demand for energy while waste volumes increase. With the facility in Högbytorp, E.ON contributes to addressing this challenge. By transforming what no one wants – waste – into something everyone needs – energy. Creating the conditions for sustainable growth in Sweden's most expansive region.
Technical visit #2 (maximum 30 persons): Brista Eftersorteringsanläggning
With the post-sorting facility in Brista, which complements household and business source separation, they take sorting a step further and enhance the transition to a circular economy by recycling more materials. This facility is Sweden’s first to use groundbreaking technology to sort out plastics and metals that were previously incinerated, thus increasing recycling rates.