When you register as an exbibitor, you can choose which size of booth you want. As space is limited, we apply a first-come, first-served basis. The exhibitor map will be designed according to the registrations we receive. Placement is based on sponsorship level and registration date.

Overview of the exhibition

The fee includes a logo on the website, presence in the program, participation in the whole program including meals.


Exhibitors - click here to book

If the exhibition gets sold out, there will be a waitlist. Click here to register for the wait list.


Gold sponsorship - click here to book


Silver sponsorship - fully booked!


Bronze sponsorship - fully booked!



Registration of booth personnel

Please note that it's mandatory to register your staff members. Use one of the following links:


Gold sponsor - registration of booth staff members
Silver sponsor - registration of booth staff members
Bronze sponsor - registration of booth staff members
Exhibitors - registration of booth staff members


Information for exhibitors
Ordering extra material


Exhibitor Portal

All exhibitors and sponsors will receive an email after completed registration with information about the exhibitor portal. In the portal you will be able to scan leads. The portal can be found here:

If you didn't receive a login email for the portal, please email