DAY 2 – June 15


Sub-national REDD+ initiatives:  Results to date and challenges ahead with reference to selected jurisdictions

Parallel 3 A: REDD+ in the Mayan region of Mexico: Can subnational programs be effectively linked with national results?Objectives: To explore the challenges in integrating subnational jurisdictional REDD+ programs within national frameworks, including legal and regulatory options, MRV, accounting and registries, institutional arrangements, financial flow, and mechanisms for benefits distribution.

Parallel 3 B: Kalimantan, Indonesia: What are the prospects for transformational change in land-use? (TBC)
Objectives: To explore how a high forest cover, land-use intensive economy can be transformed into a prosperous, sustainable, low-deforestation economy.

Parallel 3 C: Mai Ndombe, DRC: Progressing toward payment for performance
Objectives: To feature updates in the particular geography in Africa as well as cross cutting lessons and challenges.


Specific issues and opportunities related to sub-national REDD+ implementation in comparative perspective

Parallel 4 A: Lessons from place-based initiatives:  Finance, tenure, and linkages to national programs
Objectives: To explore the landscape of REDD+ projects globally and draw on specific examples for lessons that can help move REDD+ implementation forward.

Parallel 4 B: Jurisdictional implementation of supply chain commitments: Mato Grosso, Cote d’Ivoire, Oromia, Ethiopia, Liberia.
Objectives: To analyse the potential for establishing jurisdictional implementation of supply chain commitments, and discuss the opportunities for global and local companies to engage in partnerships with governments and civil society to accelerate the achievement of results in reducing deforestation.

Parallel 4 C: Practical Tools for Monitoring and Implementation
Objectives: To reflect on necessary conditions to ensure that new tools support improved decision-making for forests and engender innovative partnerships (community-NGO-Govt-private sector) to use data to solve problems.


Structured networking for follow-up to conference



Plenary 3: The Way Forward
Session to include second round of voting and reflections from high-level participants on the way forward

Moderator: Frances Seymour

Closing – Government of Norway