Marjorie Godfrey
Marjorie M. Godfrey, PhD, MS, BSN, FAAN is Founder and Co-Director of The Dartmouth Institute Microsystem Academy and Lecturer for The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA. Dr. Godfrey demonstrates her sustained commitment to improving the quality and value of health care in the United States and other countries around the world through focused attention on care delivery at the front line of care, leadership development and team coaching. She has led interprofessional quality improvement education and practice with collaboration with academics, interprofessional colleagues, front line systems of care, health care organizations, national professional organizations and health care systems globally.
Jason Leitch
Jason has worked for the Scottish Government since 2007 and in January 2015 was appointed as The National Clinical Director in the Health and Social Care Directorate. He is a Scottish Government Director and a member of the Health and Social Care Management Board. He is one of the senior team responsible for the NHS in Scotland. He is an Honorary Professor at the University of Dundee. Jason was the 2011 UK Clinician of the Year. He is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). He was a 2005-06 Quality Improvement Fellow at IHI, in Boston, sponsored by the Health Foundation. Jason is also a trustee of the UK wing of the Indian Rural Evangelical Fellowship which runs orphanages in southeast India. He has a doctorate from the University of Glasgow, an MPH from Harvard and is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Jason was appointed to NHS England review group led by Don Berwick looking into the patient safety elements of the Francis Inquiry
Martina Boström
Martina Boström, PhD in Gerontology (2014) and Master (2008), work as an improvement leader at Qulturum. Since her Bachelor of Science in Public Health and Health promotion (2000) she has worked with various assignments within Jönköping University, healthcare and municipality sector such as senior professor, older strategist and Head of Unit. Her focus is how to promote sense of security together with older persons in various context, not at least their relation between learning and use of smart homes and innovative technology.
Sofi Fristedt
Sofi Fristedt has a Ph D in occupational therapy and is a council certified specialist in occupational therapy. She is employed as an assistant professor at Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare, and also partly working as researcher at Futurum – the academy of health and care. She is currently also working as a researcher at Lund University in a project focusing on technology from a generational perspective including gerontechnology, and is affiliated to Curtin University in Perth.
Helen Bevan
Helen Bevan is Chief of Service Transformation at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. This is an organisation that supports the 1.3 million staff of the English NHS to accelerate the delivery of world-class health and healthcare by encouraging innovation and developing capability at the frontline of patient care. Over the past 15 years Helen has led change initiatives at local and national level which have created improvements for millions of patients. Her current role is to keep NHS improvement knowledge fresh, relevant and impactful at the leading edge. In 2008, the 60th Anniversary of the NHS, Helen was named as one of the 60 most influential people in the history of the NHS. Helen is currently leading efforts across the NHS to mobilise and organise NHS staff and service users to deliver cost and quality improvement goals at scale.
Göran Henriks
Göran Henriks is Chief Executive of Learning and Innovation at Qulturum in Region Jönköping County, Sweden
Mr. Henriks academic background is in Psychology from the University of Lund, and worked as a child psychologist. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from University of Gothenburg. He worked as a child- and school psychologist during 1976-1983. Between 1978 and 2000 he was also engaged in top sport as he was coaching national teams in basketball. Mr. Henriks has more than thirty years' experience of management in the Swedish healthcare system. He is a member of the Region Jönköping County's Top Management and Strategic Group. Göran is a board member of the Swedish Institute for Quality, SIQ. and the chairman of the South East Health Care regions Quality registers centre.
He is also the chairman of the Strategic Committee of the International Quality Forum organised by the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Göran is also appointed as a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Health Care Improvement, He is also appointed as professor in Quality Management at University of Yerevan, Armenia. Göran Henriks is appointed as key note speaker and teacher at many national and international conferences, such as the International Forum of Quality and Safety, APAC and the international ISQUA conference. He has written articles about balanced scorecard, learning, access and spread, and improvement of quality in cancer care.
Anna Carlbom
Anna Carlbom, ESTHER Lead Coach Design and Learning Centrefor Clinical and Social Innovation. Kent County Council. A trained nurse with over 30 years experience of care, hospital as well and community. A great interest in Quality Improvement for the users of various care services lead to personal development at work in the quality area. This lead on to the role as one of two co-ordinators for the Swedish ESTHER network. Since 2016 Anna has been working in Kent UK as ESTHER Lead Coach, leading the local implementation of the philosophy.
Nicoline Vackerberg
Nicoline Vackerberg, Senior Development Leader Qulturum, Sweden, Coordinator Esther Network International, Faculty Jönköping Academy, Sweden. 1999 she combined her work as a physiotherapist with a leading position in The Esther Network. This was the start of leading several collaborative national and international projects to strengthen integrated and person driven care. She even studied management, pedagogic, mediating, leadership, coaching and organizational communication at university level and has a master degree in Quality improvement in Health and Welfare, and combines her work at Qulturum with university faculty. She teaches Quality improvement, project leading and coaching for improvement at The Jönköping Academy. She is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences.
Marie Winald Karlström
Marie Winald Karlström, Modiga Mia. As a mother to Jesper, a coach to all Esthercoaches and with a considerble pedagogic background Marie has very valuable experience and knowledge how to coach others in clientfocus and presentationsskills. In a humble way she coaches the question: Is this best for Esther? and how to involve patients/ clients in improvements projects. She also supports Esther coaches in Singapore online. Besides presentations skills Marie is very talented in music and she made the ESTHER song as a collaboration between England, Singapore and Sweden. You can find it on Youtube.
Johan Thureson
Johan Thuresson, Region Jönköping County. A father, husband and friend, a person with a lot of experience from Health and Socialcare due to his severe car accident a couple of years ago. Today he is a part of Esther faculty and trains Esther coaches in Sweden to keep reminding "What is best for Esther"? He teaches at graduate level assistent nurses in Esther philosophy and is very active to spread and develop the Network further. He is a frequent speaker at national conferences.
Caroline Ärleskog
Caroline Ärleskog, TUC. Education leader TUC Yrkeshögskola Esther coach and masterstudent at Jonköping Academy with a social background. Caroline wrote her Philosophy Bachelor Degree thesis essay about involving patients/ clients in improvement work and is eager to develop this to the next level. She is teaching and supporting Esthercoaches in Co-production and personcentredness. Exploring powershifts, possibilities and challenges when ESTHERS are more like partners in the room.
Jesper Ekberg
Jesper has been working in collaborations focusing on Public Health and improvement work since 2001. He was the national project leader at Qulturum, coordinating the national spread of Senior alert, a quality registry supporting preventive work for seniors health. As a Public Health Manager at the Region of Jönköping, he is involved in the launch of the regional program "United action for health equity and a good life" and development work connecting the community with primary care and other recourses in the local society.
Hong Choon Chua
Dr Chua Hong Choon is Chief Executive Officer of the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) and Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer (Clinical) of the National Healthcare Group (NHG) in Singapore. A psychiatrist by training, Dr Chua is also the Chairman of the national Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) for Psychiatry, and Adjunct Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Yong Loo Lin Medical School and Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. Dr Chua has keen interests in the fields of public health, psychiatric epidemiology, depression and quality & safety in health care; and he was the first Patient Safety Officer at the Institute of Mental Health, where he developed programmes and initiatives to improve clinical quality and safeguard patient safety in mental healthcare.
Raphael Lim
Raphael's 28-year career has spanned different industries in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors. The industries encompass policy work, public education, social work, media - TV, and healthcare. He has been with the Institute of Mental Health since 2009.
Tina Fang
Dr Tina Fang heads Clinical Governance and Quality (CGQ) at Institute of Mental Health in Singapore. CGQ coordinates hospital-wide patient safety program, clinical practice improvement program, clinical policies, clinical data analysis, service program evaluation, hospital accreditation and licensing, provides medico-legal advice, etc.
Lina Johannesson
Lina has worked as a unit manager at the women's health service in Jönköping since 2016. Before she became a manager, she has worked as a midwife for many years. Lina has as a priority to lead and distribute resources in a way that leads to good working environment for all the employees.
Maria Ingebrigtsen
Maria Ingebrigtsen works as an administrative coordinator at the Women's health care center in Jönköping. She has worked with KPS over the past year and has worked with goals and methods to balance the needs and capacity of the unit. Maria previously worked as an assistant nurse at the Women's Health Care.
Maria Malmström
Maria Malmström, Development leader at Qulturum, Region Jönköping County, has a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management and works mainly with capacity and production planning and control, and process improvements often with focus on logistics.
Pernilla Söderberg
Pernilla Söderberg is a development and project leader at Qulturum, Region Jönköping County, Sweden. Her interests and focus are in microsystem thinking, access, and Triple Aim. Pernilla is a nurse and has worked as a first line leader in primary care.
Kristin J. Pedersen
Kristin was born and raised in Finnmark in northern Norway, on the border to Finland and Russia. Kristin works as a coordination coordinator at the clinic Kirkenes, and cooperates with the municipalities connected to the clinic. She started out as a Physiotherapist and has worked at the clinic since 2003. Kristin has an education within management and project management. Since 2016 Kristin has worked as a quality consultant and coordinator. She was then local programmer for patient safety in Finnmark Hopsital. In that role Kristin joined the Scottish fellowship program and has also participated in Improvement coach program through IHI and the Norwegian Patient Security Program - In safe hands 24/7. These experiences have led her to a big commitment to quality improvement in health services.
Ann-Marie Thordeman
Ann Marie Thordeman is a senior project manager with the eyes of a patient due to her recent experiences. She has worked as nurse leader, which is the most senior position in the municipality, and as a project manager. She has also worked as care teacher and training leader. Since her retirement she has been full time employed by the Region and managed the very successful elderly project in Uppsala.
Robert Sarkadi Kristiansson
Dr Robert Sarkadi Kristiansson, works as a CMO and is focused on quality improvement especially in care processes for the elderly. He is a specialist GP, has an MBA and is a fellow at Intermountain health care. He teaches Quality Improvement in the national advanced training program as well as running his own Regions primary health care quality educations Dr Robert Sarkadi Kristiansson has been presenting for large audiences in IHI conferences, he has a vast experience of leading large and small workshops, improvement teaching/learning sessions as well as leading programmes for quality improvement.
Maria Johansson
Maria Johansson, Region Jönköping County, Sweden.
Maria Johansson has been working as an improvement leader at Qulturum since 2013. Her main areas have been coaching different improvement programmes, working with care prevention in the national quality register Senior alert, buiding e-learning modules and coordinating co-design project. Today her focus is the learning context and co-production.
Marcus Lidin
Marcus Lidin, Region Jönköping County, Sweden.
Marcus Lidin has been working as an improvement leader at Qulturum since 2014.
Experiences from working with patient education at the self-dialysis unit in Jönköping and after that working with medtech education as clinical consultant.
Today working at a clinical training center with training and simulation for instructors in health care organization.
Patrik Blomqvist
Patrik Blomqvist is employed by Qulturum, Region Jönköping County as a patient supporter resource for the whole county. Patrik has been living for many years with diabetes and renal failure and he has an experience of peritoneal dialyses and hemodialysis. He was transplanted in September 2011. These experiences are valuable when he provides support to other patients. Patrik is engaged in most patient close and co-production projects such as Health cafe's and the Living Library.
Henrik Ånfors
Henrik Ånfors, Region Jönköping County.
Henrik Ånfors is a patient reprecentant included in the so called Living Library at Qulturum, Region Jönköping County, since 2016. His main task is to see the care from a patient's point of view. The areas he is involved in include the Health café, Co-production, Esther coach training and Esther SimLab.
Thomas Schneider
Thomas Schneider is the Chief Quality Officer at Bracke Diakonia, one of the largest not-for-profit providers in Sweden, and adjuncted lecturer at The Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare. He was involved in the development of improvement programs for social sector organizations based on the microsystem approach. He has a broad experience in quality improvement and leadership in healthcare and social services and he has been an expert in several national committees regarding quality, health policy and eHealth. His interests concern mainly quality improvement with strong focus on co-production, professional's drive and value creating for patients and users.
Charlotte Forsberg
Charlotte Forsberg works as a medical nurse at Bracke Diakonia, a non-profit-provider with more than 40 different health care and social service units thorughout Sweden. Her work is based on a microsystem approach that mainly concerns patient safety, quality development and education in improvement skills. She has previously worked in palliative care and has been the head nurse of an oncology education unit and a care department at Karolinska University Hospital, where she has run projects as a person-centered bedside report, started a specialized emergency reception for patients with cancer. Today she is a master student at Jönköping Academy for quality improvement and leadership in health and welfare.
Trine Olsen
Trine Olsen has been working as a Chief Senior Consultant for the last 4 years. She is a Nephrologist and has a Ph.D. in inflammatory bowel disease. The last year Trine has been attending the program of Scottish Fellowship (cohort X) and has been learning a lot about how to improve and lead improvement project in health care.
Fiona Duthie
Fiona Duthie, NHS Lothian. Fiona Duthie is a final Registrar in Renal Medicine in South East Scotland, with a clinical and research interest in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Fiona was part of Cohort 9 of the Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship, and thoroughly enjoyed learning more about leadership, patient safety and improvement science with the aim of improving care for my patients. Fiona is passionate about improving awareness of AKI, and understanding its importance in recognising deteriorating patients.
Anette Nilsson
Anette Nilsson works as an development strategist in Region Jönköping County. Her focus is improvement, big scale change, coaching, integration and innovation. She has long experiences from Qulturum where she has worked within the areas leadership, coaching, improvement and innovation both nationally and internationally. She has experiences from being a fellow at IHI. She has also experiences as a project manager at SALAR, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, with a national leadership program connected to a big scale change – Better life for elderly people – an agreement between the Swedish Government and SALAR. Anette Nilsson is also the founder of Passion for life which won the first price in Social Innovation in Ageing 2014- The European Award Ashoka Changemakers in cooperation with King Baudouin Foundation. Today, her major focus is driving strategies for the transformation to closer care within the strategy in Region Jönköping named "Together for best possible health and equal care". She also works part of her time with co – production with a national big scale program “ Patient Compact” for SALAR intiated from the Swedish Government.
William Kløverød Griffiths
Development Officer – Scotland’s House of Care Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE)
William works on Scotland’s House of Care Programme at the ALLIANCE aiming to develop and improve self management and person centred care across health and social care. William’s work on the House of Care project consists spreading care and support planning across Adopter Sites in Scotland and developing a case for change in health and social care with national and local partners.
He also writes briefings, reports and response pieces to the Scottish Government’s policy. He works within the Co-production and Self Management Hub at the ALLIANCE working to enhance self management approaches and co-production in Scotland. He previously worked on the ALLIANCE’s Dementia Carer Voices project and at a Westminster-based think tank on social care policy.
Alison Fox
Alison Fox, Primary Care Practice Manager, St Triduana’s Medical Practice, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Alison is the practice manger in a busy city practice with circa 11k patients. Through strong leadership and the creation of a clear strategy Alison is helping her practice thrive in the current challenging climate. Alison has a keen interest in the development of patient centred models for primary care and in particular how care and support planning can help shape that future.
Susan Martin
Susan Martin works as a quality improvement manager and coach at Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust. Torbay and South Devon was one of the first integrated health and care systems in the NHS, developing the ‘Mrs Smith’ model and then becoming an integrated care organisation. The quality improvement team forms part of the Strategy and Improvement Directorate within the Trust. Susan as Associate Director (QI) heads up this service. Recent improvement work by the team includes working on emergency and urgent care, primary care streaming, patient flow across the ICO, maternity services, outpatients and developing the innovative NHS quicker app. Projects that Susan has led on with teams vary in size and complexity. Susan is a member of the Q Community and one of the founding members of the Health & Care Impact Network, a collaboration of people between health and care organisations and Universities, primarily in the South West of England. From this collaborative work with the Universities Susan has led on the development of the researcher in residence model within an NHS setting. Susan has a background in information science with a MBA from Exeter University. Susan has worked in both academia as well as the private and public sector, starting her career in the energy industry. Susan is passionate about working with people to deliver high quality services that both the staff and the people using them can be proud of.
Julian Elston
Dr Julian Elston (PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), FFPH); Researcher-in-Residence (Integrated Care): A lecturer and Consultant in Public Health who has worked in the NHS and academia has an interest in quality improvement, quality assurance, integrated care and inter-organisational working with experience of a range of primary and secondary research methodologies and methods (qualitative and quantitative), undertaking multidisciplinary research in health services, public health, sociology, economics and organisation theory, as well as systematic reviews whose research is inspired by a bio-psycho-social model of health, and is committed to improve health services and reduce health inequalities through applied, embedded research.
Sofia Persson
Sofia Persson, MSc in 1999 (in Lund), has worked as a physiotherapist since 2000 in combination with various managerial assignments; Head of Unit, Operations Manager and Development Manager. Further educated with for instance Philosophy Master's Degree focused on Quality Improvement and Leadership in Health and Welfare.
Since 2015, improvement leader at Qulturum, and from 2018, the improvement work will be combined with a doctoral thesis at half-time.
Magdalena Fritzson
Magdalena’s formal education is Intensive Care Nurse, Tropical Medicine and Principal. She has been active within Emergency Care, Intensive Care, Heart Intensive, Dialysis and Pain Management Nursing. Magdalena started a section of a Palliative Team in Jönköping region ((Eksjö) with focus on providing consulting teams for home care and special housing. She is also the product developer of a pain pump at the company Noricinfu care where Magdalena also worked with Parkinson's patients as well as children and adults with PID-Primary Immune Defincy (primary immune deficiency). She started and ran a section of adult education and vocational education for undergraduate students for 8 years – as Principal. Magdalena was also the Head of Department for Home Care and Home Services in Municipal Activities.
Current employment as Improvement leader at Qulturum with focus on cross-border responsibility for development for palliative care, project manager for patient compact and a member of a support group for healthcare coordination.
Annmargreth Kvarnefors
Annmargreth Kvarnefors, Improvement Leader at Qulturum in the areas of person centered care and patient safety. Her focus is to work together with people who have care experience from the perspective of a patient or a relative. Annmargreth is an anesthesiology nurse by profession.
Agata Rukat
Agata Rukat; an improvement leader at Qulturum, Region Jönköping County with special interest in learning networks and innovation. Agata is a deputy project leader of "A healthy working place for a healthy working life", a collaborative between Region Jönköping County and seven municipalities in Region Jönköping in Sweden.
Ylva Wikland
Health Strategist for corporate wellness at Gislaved municipality. Special interest in workplace health promotion activities/projects, health economy and organizational policies designed to support healthy behavior in the workplace and to improve health outcomes, foremost with the relationship between health, stress and coping. Ylva is a deputy project leader of "A healthy working place for a healthy working life", a collaborative between Region Jönköping County and seven municipalities in Region Jönköping in Sweden.
Galina Gheihman
Galina Gheihman is in her final year at Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston, MA, USA. She is originally from Toronto, Canada where she attended the University of Toronto and studied Neurosciences and Psychology. She has wide research interests including international health systems and health services research, quality improvement (QI) and patient safety, primary care innovation, leadership, resilience, and longitudinal medical education design. In 2015, Galina travelled to Jonkoping for a summer research fellowship, conducting a qualitative study investigating how patients and their families can be involved in healthcare quality improvement and redesign. At HMS, Galina is co-lead of the Student Leadership Committee at the Centre for Primary Care, and former leader of the Narrative Medicine subcommittee. Galina is interested in a career in Neurology, combining clinical medicine, medical education reform, and health systems transformation and redesign.
Dorte Münter
Dorte Münter, Chief consultant in Department of Quality and Patient safety in Health and Care management, Municipality of Copenhagen. More than 15 years of experience in quality improvement in hospitals and primary care. Special interest in the cultural changes and leadership behaviors in order to achieve improvement in health care quality. Winner of the Capital Region’s quality improvement award 2014 for a project on introducing formal dialogues between psychiatrists and clinical pharmacologists with the purpose of improving medical decisions.
Malin Holmqvist
Malin Holmqvist works as a clinical pharmacist in Region Jönköping county and is a PhD student at Jönköping university. She graduated as a pharmacist in 1995 and took a Master in Clinical pharmacy 2007. Her focus is patient safety and is involved in Region Jönköping County's work with safe medication management. Her supervisors are:
Jaco van der Worp
Jaco van der Worp has been working at the GHZ since 2003. As a HBO nurse he has worked on cardiology and CCU. He was a practical trainer for several years at the CCU and he was involved in elearning. In the course of time, his enthusiasm for training grew and since the beginning of 2016 he has been working full-time at the Landsteiner GHZ His passion lies in innovation and workplace learning. For new training questions, Jaco look for the best learning solution; more on testing in practice and supporting learning on the work floor during work. By deploying new technology, there are more possibilities than ever. The GHZ cooperates intensively with other hospitals in the Netherlands in the cooperative Profportaal Zorg, Jaco is part of the editorial board of this cooperative.
Gabriella Roström
Gabriella Roström, Region Kronoberg County. Gabriella is a Registered Nurse, specialized in children and adolescent medicine. Gabriella has been working as Head of Department for two years and is a member of the management team of the Children's Clinic in Region Kronoberg. Gabriella has studied a Master's Program in Leadership and Improvement in Care at Jönköping Academy and plan to complete her Master's thesis. Gabriella has a big interest in how to make system changes out of experiences of changes on a mikro-level.
Rangaraju Ramesh
Mr Ramesh is an orthopaedic consultant surgeon working at Torbay Hospital for the last 14 years. He has developed number of tools that help to forge strong partnership with patients to have a better experience and to have a safe treatment journey. His Material Risk Assessment tool allows a patient to clearly understand about the risks that matter to them. By using COMPASS risk assessment tools, he was able to improve the preoperative preparation of patients for surgery. He has pioneered in developing a concise interactive patient information system for patients to explore different treatment options for hip and knee arthritis.
Laura Clark
Laura Clark, NHS Grampian, UK. Laura is a Consultant Nephrologist working in Aberdeen Royal Infirrmary a major teaching hospital in the North-East corner of Scotland. Laura has a special interest in Quality Improvement and has recently completed the highly regarded Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship. Laura is committed to improving the care of patients with AKI and would like to develop the home dialysis therapies program locally. Laura is the Clinical Lead for the Hospital at Night Team which involves continually reviewing the service to improve patient safety and trainee wellbeing.
Dirk Habicht
Dirk Habicht, NHS Tayside, Scotland. Dirk has been a consultant in Medicine for the Elderly and Internal Medicine for 7 years and works in a district general hospital (Perth Royal Infirmary) in the heart of Scotland. Dirk originate from Germany and has qualified there but ever since been training and working in Scotland. Dirk does enjoy working in Scotland and recently had the opportunity to complete a year's course in quality improvement, the Scottish Quality and Safety Fellowship. This has given Dirk new enthusiasm to look at the processes of working and work with teams to make improvements. Dirk has been fortunate to be working for the new Quality Directorate that has come into life earlier this year in NHS Tayside.
Nune Baghdasaryan
Chief of Pediatric Department at Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia
Simon Rundquist
Consultant in pediatrics
Assistant head of department of pediatrics
Medical lead-physician of in-patient care on pediatric ward
Department of pediatrics
Ryhov county hospital, Jönköping Sweden
Simon has long previous experience of leadership in local politics and recent years in pediatric clinic. He has been working in pediatric clinic since 2005.
Involved in collaboration-project for improvement work at department of pediatrics at Muratsan hospital, Yerevan, Armenia since 2017.
He was 2018 elected chairman of the new national program for knowledge support for pediatric care and childrens health in Sweden, with the mission to work on structural improvement of pediatric care and equality of pediatric care all over Sweden.
Peter Iveroth
Peter has a background in economics and accounting. He is a specialist in infectious diseases and have long working experience in Sweden as well as in Tanzania with tropical diseases, HIV and tuberculosis. He has been working with drug handling and financial issues at district level for the primary health care (PHC) services in Tanzania. He has worked in the Health Department at Sida with health development cooperation. Peter has for three and a half years been working for Sida with the Swedish Norwegian regional HIV and AIDS Team in Zambia. In collaboration with the major intergovernmental organisations in the region like SADC, EAC, COMESA and ECOWAS funding programmes and strengthening the member countries in the combat against HIV and AIDS.
Peter Iveroth has worked 25 years in clinical work at Ryhov hospital mainly as a specialist in infectious diseases. Since 2010 up to 2017 he has been working as Chief medical officer for control of communicable diseases at Region Jönköpings län. He had the responsibility for the control of the spread of infectious diseases internally within the health care organisation with three hospitals and 48 primary health care institutions as well as the control of spread of diseases in the society in the county of about 350 000 people.
The Region has an ongoing collaboration with the Armenian Ministry of health and over the past 4 years I have been engaged in programs in Armenia on infection control and hygiene and the spread of multi resistant bacteria.
Eva Arvidsson
Eva Arvidsson, MD, PhD, spec in general medicine, research leader, R&D unit for Primary Care, Futurum, Jönköping, Sweden. Eva has worked in primary care as a clinician, strategic planner and coordinator, and medical advisor of primary health care with main responsibilities patient safety and quality in health care. She did her PhD on “Priority Setting and Rationing in Primary Health Care” at Linköping university.
In her present position she is responsible for supporting quality improvement in primary health care in Jönköping County, teaching and supervising GP trainees. Her research projects cover subjects as continuity in care, quality improvement and e-health. She is also active in the development of the Swedish National Medical Register for Quality Improvement in Primary Care.
Sofia Dahlin
Sofia Dahlin is a medical doctor specialized in social medicine/public health with a masters degree in quality improvement. She works as a medical advisor in social medicine in Region Östergötland, as a teacher in the medical programme in Linköping University and as a national coordinator for the Swedish, WHOinitiated, network of healthpromoting hospitals and health services (HFS). In her work she has a special interest in health promotion, health equity and improvement work.
Lia Fluit
Lia Fluit, MD, PhD, is associate professor and head of the department for Research in Learning and Education of the Radboudumc Health Academy in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
The aim of her research is to get a deeper understanding of how professionals learn in health practice and how they learn from and with each other (inter-professional learning), how they enter into a dialogue and provide and receive feedback, both within and between different professions, and how learning takes place when entering a new practice, for instance during internships (boundary crossing). She studied Medicine from 1975-1983 at the University of Nijmegen. Driven by a strong interest in teaching she started in 1994 with her study Educational Sciences at the Radboud University Nijmegen, which she completed with honors in 2001. Since 1992 she has been involved in many projects in medical education, both in Nijmegen as well at a national and international level. In Nijmegen, she set up the structural evaluation of internships, and gave the faculty development program a major boost.
From 2006 to 2010 she was a member of a national workgroup who supported medical specialties in developing competency based training programs. In 2006 she made a start on her PhD research on EFFECT, that was finished in 2013. From 2010 she combined her job as a researcher with the function of Head of the Department of Evaluation, Quality and Development at the Radboud University Medical Centre. At this moment she is head of the department for Research in Learning and Education. She supervises 16 PhD students, with a focus on learning in the workplace, complex skills training, curriculum development, assessment, and evaluation and feedback. She still continues to give workshops and courses on an international level concerning learning and education within the clinical practice, and on conducting educational research.
Tim Klaassen
Tim is an educationalist in medical education at the Radboudumc Health Academy, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Within his work he teaches and coaches medical and educational science students. He also trains and coaches residents and staff members/groups with special focus on learning in the workplace, providing and receiving feedback, educational systems and collaboration. He is the coordinator of the EFFECT-system (Evaluation and Feedback For Effective Clinical Teaching) which means he supervises all processes and guides individual feedback sessions, gives introductions as well as feedback workshops and evaluates EFFECT during staff and residency evaluation meetings.
Axel Ros
Axel Ros, MD, PhD is a specialist in general surgery. He has been Head of the Department of Surgery at the County Hospital Ryhov in Jönköping, Sweden. He is now Chief Medical Officer in Region Jönköping County. Mr. Ros also has a part-time position at Futurum and is an affiliated researcher at the Jönköping Academy at Jönköping University where he teaches patient safety and supervises research. His main focus of interest is patient safety, Human Factors, and the evolving field of resilience in health care.
Erik Hollnagel
Erik Hollnagel is Senior Professor of Patient Safety at Jönköping University and Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, Macquarie University (Australia). He has through his career worked at universities, research centres, and industries in several countries and with problems from many domains. He has published widely and is the author/editor of 25 books, including four books on Resilient Health Care, as well as a large number of papers and book chapters.